Study on Deformation and Damage of Reinforced Concrete Columns under the Earthquake
摘要: 为量化地震作用下钢筋混凝土(RC)柱损伤情况和变形,并将不同地震破坏状态下RC柱损伤和变形进行分析。从太平洋地震工程研究中心(PEER)数据库中收集91组RC柱抗震试验数据,选取4种广泛应用的构件损伤模型进行计算,将损伤发展曲线与层间位移角发展曲线进行对比分析。对RC柱损伤指标限值进行归一化处理,统计分析后得到不同破坏等级下的位移角限值,并给出了RC柱各破坏等级下的位移角限值与损伤指标限值对应关系。研究结果表明,牛荻涛损伤模型可更准确地评价地震作用下结构构件损伤程度,且与层间位移角发展曲线均呈近似线性增长趋势;不同破坏等级下的位移角限值验算保证率均>80%,表明本文提出的位移角限值具有一定合理性。Abstract: To quantify the damage and deformation of reinforced concrete (RC) columns under the earthquake, and analyze the damage and deformation of RC columns under different seismic damage states, 91 sets of RC column seismic test data were collected from the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) database. Four widely used component damage models were selected for calculation, and the damage development curves were compared with the inter-story displacement angle development curves for analysis. The damage index limits of RC columns were normalized, the displacement angle limits under different damage levels were obtained after statistical analysis, and the correspondence between the displacement angle limits and damage index limits under each damage level of RC columns was given. The results show that the Niu Ditao damage model can more accurately evaluate the damage degree of structural members under the earthquake, and all the development curves with the inter-story displacement angle behave an approximately linear growth trend. The guaranteed rate of the displacement angle limits under different damage levels is greater than 80%, indicating that the displacement angle limits proposed in this paper are reasonable.
Key words:
- RC frame column /
- Seismic damage model /
- Damage index /
- Story drift ratio /
- Deformation
表 1 RC柱不同破坏等级下对应的损伤指标界限值
Table 1. Damage index limit values corresponding to different damage levels of RC column
地震破坏等级 破坏状态 损伤指标D 基本完好 出现少量未贯通的细小裂缝 0<D≤0.2 轻微破坏 裂缝发展并开始贯通 0.2<D≤0.4 中等破坏 混凝土剥落、钢筋外露 0.4<D≤0.6 严重破坏 裂缝加宽、混凝土脱落、钢筋被压曲 0.6<D≤0.9 倒塌 核心混凝土被压碎、纵筋被拉断等 D>0.9 表 2 RC柱各破坏等级下的层间位移角统计结果
Table 2. Statistical results of story drift ratio under each damage level of the RC column
破坏等级 层间位移角 分布比/% 基本完好 <1/400 3 1/400~1/200 14 1/200~1/67 51 1/67~1/33 28 >1/33 4 轻微破坏 <1/200 2 1/200~1/100 15 1/100~1/40 49 1/40~1/25 25 >1/25 9 中等破坏 <1/100 5 1/100~1/50 21 1/50~1/22 56 1/22~1/17 16 >1/17 2 严重破坏 <1/50 15 1/50~1/33 14 1/33~1/25 18 1/25~1/15 38 >1/15 15 倒塌 <1/50 6 1/50~/22 32 1/22~1/13 45 1/13~1/10 15 >1/10 2 表 3 各破坏等级下位移角统计参数
Table 3. Statistic parameters of story drift ratio under each damage level
项目 破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 位移角平均值$ \mu $ 1/84 1/47 1/37 1/23 1/19 标准差$ \sigma $ 1/121 1/89 1/71 1/47 1/43 $ \mu -\sigma $ 1/274 1/103 1/65 1/45 1/34 表 4 RC柱各破坏等级下的位移角限值与损伤指标限值
Table 4. Story drift ratio limit and damage value of RC column under each damage level
项目 破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 位移角限值 1/250 1/100 1/60 1/40 1/30 损伤指标限值 0~0.2 0.2~0.4 0.4~0.6 0.6~0.9 >0.9 -
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