• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


丁海平 夏娴 张如艳 于彦彦

丁海平,夏娴,张如艳,于彦彦,2022. SV波入射下层状半空间相邻半圆形凸起地形地震响应研究. 震灾防御技术,17(3):409−419. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220301
引用本文: 丁海平,夏娴,张如艳,于彦彦,2022. SV波入射下层状半空间相邻半圆形凸起地形地震响应研究. 震灾防御技术,17(3):409−419. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220301
Ding Haiping, Xia Xian, Zhang Ruyan, Yu Yanyan. Seismic Response of the Adjacent Semi-cylindrical Hill in Layered Half Space for Incident SV Wave[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(3): 409-419. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220301
Citation: Ding Haiping, Xia Xian, Zhang Ruyan, Yu Yanyan. Seismic Response of the Adjacent Semi-cylindrical Hill in Layered Half Space for Incident SV Wave[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(3): 409-419. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220301


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220301
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51808371)


Seismic Response of the Adjacent Semi-cylindrical Hill in Layered Half Space for Incident SV Wave

  • 摘要: 采用有限元方法计算SV波入射下层状半空间相邻2个半圆形凸起地形的地震响应,比较分析相邻凸起之间的相互影响。研究结果表明:(1)当无量纲频率 $\eta $ 较小时,凸起间距对地表位移谱放大系数 $\beta $ 的影响明显大于高频;凸起间距越小,右侧凸起对左侧凸起的影响越大,而左侧凸起对右侧凸起的影响还受入射角度限制。(2)当无量纲频率 $\eta $ > 1.0 时,对于相同的入射波频率和入射角度,凸起间距越大,对谱放大系数的影响越小。(3)当输入地震波波长大于凸起地形宽度时,相邻凸起的影响可忽略。(4)与SV波入射下均匀半空间半圆形凸起地形的地震响应相比,无论是单个半圆形凸起还是相邻2个半圆形凸起,在$ \left|x/a\right| $≤1.0范围内,层状半空间地表位移谱放大系数明显大于均匀半空间地表位移谱放大系数;在$ \left|x/a\right| $≥1.0范围内,偶尔会出现层状半空间地表位移谱放大系数小于均匀半空间地表位移谱放大系数的情形。
  • 图  1  结构-地基系统动力反应分析示意

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of dynamic response analysis of structure-foundation system

    图  2  人工边界附近节点(一维波动模型)

    Figure  2.  Node number near artificial boundary(One-dimensional wave model)

    图  3  方法验证模型(凸起山脊)

    Figure  3.  Model diagram of method validation - semi-cylindrical hill

    图  4  本文计算结果与文献(Kamalian等,2006

    Figure  4.  Comparison of results from this paper and reference(Kamalian et al.,2006

    图  5  输入脉冲波时程及相应傅里叶谱

    Figure  5.  Time history and Fourier spectrum of input pulse wave

    图  6  计算模型示意(相邻2个凸起半圆地形)

    Figure  6.  Schematic diagram of calculation model- two adjacent cylindrical hills

    图  7  不同凸起间距下左侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型A,$ \theta $=0°)

    Figure  7.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of left hill with different hill distance (Model A, $ \theta $=0°)

    图  8  不同凸起间距下左侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型A,$ \theta $=15°)

    Figure  8.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of left hill with different hill distance (Model A, $ \theta $=15°)

    图  9  不同凸起间距下左侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型A,$ \theta $=30°)

    Figure  9.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of left hill with different hill distance (Model A, $ \theta $=30°)

    图  10  不同凸起间距下右侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型B,$ \theta $=0°)

    Figure  10.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of right hill with different hill distance (Model B, $ \theta $=0°)

    图  11  不同凸起间距下右侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型B,$ \theta $=15°)

    Figure  11.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of right hill with different hill distance (Model B, $ \theta $=15°)

    图  12  不同凸起间距下右侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数(模型B,$ \theta $=30°)

    Figure  12.  Spectral amplification of surface observation points of right hill with different hill distance (Model B, $ \theta $=30°)

    图  13  左侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数比较(L = a

    Figure  13.  Comparison of the surface spectral amplification of the left hill (L=a

    图  14  右侧凸起地表位移谱放大系数比较(L = a

    Figure  14.  Comparison of the surface spectral amplification of the right hill (L=a

    表  1  无量纲频率对应的实际频率

    Table  1.   Actual frequency corresponding to the dimensionless frequency

    $ \eta $
    $ f $/Hz1.252.53.7551020
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