Numerical Analysis of the Mechanical Performance of the CFST Column-RC Beam Joint Connected by the Steel Plate-Stud at the Plastic Hinge Zone of the Beam End
摘要: 建立竖板-栓钉连接钢管混凝土(CFST)柱-钢筋混凝土(RC)梁节点试件(SSJD)拟静力加载试验有限元模型,并在节点损伤情况、梁端荷载-位移曲线等数值模拟结果与试验结果吻合较好的基础上,进一步开展了RC梁混凝土强度、配筋率ρs和连接竖板长度Lb及界面连接情况等对CFST柱-RC梁节点梁端塑性铰区域力学性能的影响。研究结果表明,RC梁混凝土强度对试件SSJD塑性铰区域受力性能的影响较小;适筋范围内RC梁配筋率增加可适当提高试件SSJD承载力和延性;随着连接竖板长度的增加,梁端塑性铰区域外移,梁破坏荷载增大;本研究给出的RC梁与CFST柱之间的界面抗剪承载力模拟值与计算值吻合较好,可用于界面抗剪设计。
- CFST柱-RC梁节点 /
- 塑性铰 /
- 界面抗剪承载力 /
- 数值模拟 /
- 参数分析
Abstract: The finite element model of the joint specimens (SSJD) of the concrete-filled steel tube (CFST) column-reinforced concrete (RC) beam connected by the vertical plate-stud connection is established, for which the joint specimens are subjected to the pseudo-static loading experiment. On the basis that the numerical simulation results of the joint damage condition and load-displacement curves are in good agreement with the test results, the further numerical simulation analysis is carried out on the influence of the mechanical properties of the plastic hinge zone at the beam end of the joint connected by the steel plate-stud, according to the changes of the RC beam concrete strength, the reinforcement ratio ρs , the length Lb of the connecting vertical plate, and the different connection conditions of the interface. The results show that the change of RC beam concrete strength has little effect on the mechanical performance of the SSJD plastic hinge zone of the specimen; the increase in ρs of the RC beam within the range of suitable reinforcement can appropriately improve the bearing capacity and ductility of the SSJD specimen; with the increase of Lb, the plastic hinge area at the beam end moves outward, and the beam failure load increases. The calculated value of the interface shear capacity is in good agreement with the simulated value, which can be used for interface shear design. -
表 1 混凝土力学性能参数
Table 1. Mechanical property parameters of concrete
混凝土强度等级 弹性模量/MPa 抗压强度/MPa C35 3.34×104 29.2 C50 3.78×104 52.1 表 2 钢材力学性能参数
Table 2. Mechanical property parameters of steel
钢材 直径或厚度/mm 级别 弹性模量/MPa 屈服强度/MPa 极限强度/MPa 钢管 10 Q345 2.0×105 423 569 钢板 6 Q345 2.0×105 409 539 钢筋 10 HRB400 1.8×105 413 607 20 HRB400 2.0×105 430 559 25 HRB400 2.0×105 436 608 栓钉 13 ML15 2.06×105 339 456 16 ML15 2.06×105 340 457 表 3 分析参数设置与主要结果
Table 3. Analysis parameter settings and main results
$ {L_{\rm{b}}} $/mm连接情况 剪跨比 峰值荷载
μSSJD-0.5H C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 4.00 279.59 5.77 SSJD-C25 C25 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 4.00 284.73 5.84 SSJD-C45 C45 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 4.00 276.88 5.50 SSJD-C50 C50 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 4.00 278.40 5.30 SSJD-0.68%ρs C35 上侧3 20+2 16、下侧4 200.68/0.64 350 试验模型 4.00 185.88 4.64 SSJD-0.84%ρs C35 上侧3 22+2 18、下侧4 220.84/0.77 350 试验模型 4.00 221.98 4.97 SSJD-1.32%ρs C35 上侧3 28+2 22、下侧4 281.32/1.25 350 试验模型 4.00 346.36 6.89 SSJD-1.57%ρs C35 上侧3 30+2 25、下侧4 301.57/1.43 350 试验模型 4.00 409.89 7.80 SSJD-0.25H C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 175 试验模型 4.00 262.83 6.20 SSJD-0.75H C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 525 试验模型 4.00 305.11 6.92 SSJD-H C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 700 试验模型 4.00 334.37 7.54 SSJD-S C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 0 仅设置管壁栓钉 0.29 597.88 — SSJD-V C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 仅设置竖板 0.29 843.86 — SSJD-SV C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 0.29 1 217.57 — SSJD-RC C35 上侧3 25+2 20、下侧4 251.07/1.00 350 试验模型 1.50 1 049.34 — 表 4 界面抗剪承载力模拟值与计算值
Table 4. Simulated and calculated interface shear capacity
有限元模型 界面抗剪承载力模拟值VF/kN 界面抗剪承载力计算值VC/kN 模拟值/计算值 SSJD-S 597.88 546.89 1.09 SSJD-V 843.86 858.90 0.98 SSJD-SV 1 217.57 1 301.42 0.94 SSJD-RC 1 049.34 981.92 1.07 -
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