Numerical Simulation and Parameter Analysis of Torsion Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Concrete Precast Assembly Columns
摘要: 采用ABAQUS大型有限元分析软件开展预制拼装柱扭转力学性能数值模拟及参数分析,研究了轴压比、灌浆套筒位置及长度、预制构件拼接缝界面黏结强度对灌浆套筒连接中柱抗扭性能的影响。研究结果表明:轴压比会显著影响预制拼装柱抗扭承载力和变形,而灌浆套筒位置和长度对预制拼装柱抗扭力学性能的影响不明显;预制构件拼接缝界面黏结强度显著影响预制拼装柱抗扭性能。基于预制拼装构件和现浇构件力学性能的对比分析,提出了轴向荷载和扭矩共同作用下灌浆套筒连接预制拼装柱抗扭承载力设计方法。Abstract: The numerical simulation and parameter analysis of torsional mechanical properties of precast columns were studied using the finite element method adopted by ABAQUS. The effects of axial pressure ratio, grouted sleeve position and length, and bonding strength at the interface of the splice joints of precast members on the torsional performance of columns connected by grouted sleeves were studied. The analysis shows that the axial compression ratio significantly affects the torsion resistance and torsion deformation of the precast column, while the position and length of the grouted sleeves have no obvious effect on the torsion resistance mechanical properties of the precast column. The bonding strength of the joint interface of the precast component significantly affects the torsional performance of the precast assembled column. Based on the comparative analysis of the mechanical properties of precast assembled members and cast-in-place members, a design method for the torsional load capacity of precast assembled columns connected by grouted sleeves under the joint action of axial load and torque is proposed.
Key words:
- Grouted sleeve /
- Precast column /
- Torsion resistance /
- Numerical simulation
表 1 构件编号及参数
Table 1. Component numbers and parameters
构件编号 设计轴压比 切线强度1/MPa 切线强度2/MPa YZC05-1 0.5 0.016 0.016 YZC05-2 0.5 0.160 0.160 YZC05-3 0.5 0.660 0.660 YZC05-4 0.5 1.600 1.600 YZC05-5 0.5 2.600 2.600 YZC05-6 0.5 3.600 3.600 YZC05-7 0.5 5.600 5.600 -
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