• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


胡荣攀 汪羽凡 王立新 林健富 刘军香 赵贤任

胡荣攀,汪羽凡,王立新,林健富,刘军香,赵贤任,2022. MEMS型加速度传感器在超高层建筑振动监测中的性能对比测试. 震灾防御技术,17(2):348−359. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220215. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220215
引用本文: 胡荣攀,汪羽凡,王立新,林健富,刘军香,赵贤任,2022. MEMS型加速度传感器在超高层建筑振动监测中的性能对比测试. 震灾防御技术,17(2):348−359. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220215. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220215
Hu Rongpan, Wang Yufan, Wang Lixin, Lin Jianfu, Liu Junxiang, Zhao Xianren. Performance Test and Comparison of MEMS Accelerometers for Vibration Monitoring of High-Rise Building[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(2): 348-359. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220215
Citation: Hu Rongpan, Wang Yufan, Wang Lixin, Lin Jianfu, Liu Junxiang, Zhao Xianren. Performance Test and Comparison of MEMS Accelerometers for Vibration Monitoring of High-Rise Building[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(2): 348-359. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220215


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220215
基金项目: 广东省防震减灾科技协同创新中心项目(2018B020207011);国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC1511005-5,2019YFB2102704);中国地震局地震科技星火计划攻关项目(XH204702)




Performance Test and Comparison of MEMS Accelerometers for Vibration Monitoring of High-Rise Building

  • 摘要: 为开展MEMS型加速度传感器在超高层建筑振动监测应用中的性能对比测试,选取4种不同类型MEMS型加速度传感器与G1B型力平衡式加速度传感器,将其安装在地王大厦相同测点,对MEMS型、G1B型加速度传感器记录的结构环境振动数据进行时程、频谱和模态频率对比分析,并对其记录的结构地震响应进行时域及频域对比。研究结果表明,不同类型MEMS型加速度传感器仪器噪声均大于G1B型加速度传感器,其中MEMS-I型加速度传感器噪声水平相对较小,与G1B型加速度传感器模态频率识别结果及地震响应监测数据吻合较好,验证了MEMS-I型加速度传感器可较准确地记录到结构强振动响应,适用于超高层建筑日常结构振动监测。
  • 图  1  不同种类传感器

    Figure  1.  Product pictures of different sensors

    图  2  地王大厦测点位置

    Figure  2.  Layout of sensor installation on Diwang building

    图  3  不同类型加速度传感器加速度时程曲线

    Figure  3.  Acceleration time histories of different sensors in x and y directions

    图  4  不同传感器xy向加速度傅里叶谱

    Figure  4.  Fourier spectrum of acceleration measurement of different sensors in x and y directions

    图  5  不同传感器xy向加速度傅里叶谱幅值相对误差对比

    Figure  5.  Relative errors of peak Fourier spectrum amplitudes of different sensors

    图  6  基于频域分解法的模态频率识别流程

    Figure  6.  Flowchart of the FDD-based modal frequency identification method

    图  7  不同传感器监测数据时频能量云图

    Figure  7.  Time-frequency domain color map of the vibration energy of different sensor measurement

    图  8  G1B型、MEMS-I型加速度传感器监测的结构地震响应时程曲线

    Figure  8.  Comparison of earthquake-induced structural responses measured by the G1B and MEMS-I accelerometers

    图  9  G1B型、MEMS-I型加速度传感器监测的结构地震响应局部波形

    Figure  9.  Detailed comparison of earthquake-induced structural responses measured by the G1B and MEMS-I accelerometers

    图  10  G1B型、MEMS-I型加速度传感器监测的结构地震响应频谱曲线

    Figure  10.  Comparison of Fourier spectrum of earthquake-induced structural responses measured by the G1B and MEMS-I accelerometers

    表  1  传感器技术参数对比

    Table  1.   Comparison of parameters of different sensors

    传感器类型 测量范围/g 频响范围/Hz 动态范围/dB 噪声均方根/(${\text{μ}}{{\rm{g}}}/\sqrt{\rm{H}\rm{z} }$) 功耗/W
    G1B ±3 0~100 >130 0.5 3
    MEMS-I ±2.5 0~80 >90 10.0 <2
    Palert-Plus ±2 0~100 >100 25.0 2
    AC217 ±4 0~100 >104 25.0 <1
    Palert-Advance ±2 0~100 >90 25.0 3
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    表  2  不同传感器$x $$y $向加速度时程的均方根

    Table  2.   RMS of acceleration measurement of different sensors in ${\boldsymbol{x}} $ and ${\boldsymbol{y}} $ directions

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    表  3  G1B型加速度传感器实测自振频率识别结果与已有研究结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of modal frequency identification results between G1B accelerometer and references

    10.168 60.169 70.650.168 90.18
    20.198 40.198 90.250.199 30.45
    30.276 90.277 80.320.278 20.47
    40.540 20.539 40.150.538 30.35
    50.648 50.649 40.140.642 20.98
    60.676 70.677 20.07
    70.841 50.844 70.380.839 30.26
    81.169 01.179 00.851.168 00.09
    91.498 01.498 00.00
    101.582 01.591 00.57
    111.834 01.844 00.541.852 00.97
    121.929 01.943 00.721.942 00.67
    131.965 01.972 00.351.962 00.15
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    表  4  不同类型加速度传感器监测数据的模态频率识别结果对比

    Table  4.   Comparison of modal frequencies identified from the measurement of different sensors

    10.168 40.168 30.0590.168 00.2380.169 10.4160.169 90.891
    20.198 50.198 50.0000.198 30.1010.198 60.0500.199 80.655
    30.277 40.277 30.0360.277 60.0720.277 10.1080.279 50.757
    40.540 70.540 80.0180.539 80.1660.541 10.074
    50.647 80.647 80.0000.648 40.0930.648 10.0460.647 90.015
    60.675 90.675 90.0000.676 30.0590.675 80.0150.676 90.148
    70.843 30.843 10.0240.843 10.0240.842 90.0470.843 40.012
    81.171 81.169 80.1711.170 30.1281.170 20.1371.168 60.273
    91.493 71.491 20.1671.491 50.1471.491 10.1741.491 00.181
    101.583 11.581 40.1071.581 70.0881.583 50.0251.584 20.069
    111.839 4
    121.933 01.933 00.0001.932 50.0261.933 00.0001.931 30.088
    131.964 61.964 40.0101.963 20.0711.964 00.0311.962 70.097
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