Accuracy Assessment of UAV Photogrammetry in High-Relief Area−A Case Study from Guanggaishan-Dieshan Fault in West Qinling Mountain
摘要: 经过近10年的迅速发展,无人机摄影测量已成为活动构造研究的常用方法之一。但对于无人机摄影测量的精度评估,尤其是高起伏地区的精度评估存在不足。为此,选择白龙江北岸光盖山-迭山断裂沿线的黑峪寺、化马村,开展无人机摄影测量,并构建正射影像(DOM)和数字地表模型(DSM),配合差分GPS测绘进行校正和精度验证。通过对比实测控制点和图像提取点分析点精度,通过对比实测剖面与提取剖面分析剖面精度。研究结果表明,未经控制点校正的图像提取点与实测点存在较大误差,水平误差为5~8 m,垂直误差为几十米至上百米,但通过少数控制点校正后,点精度可达20 cm以内;6条实测剖面与提取剖面(提取自控制点校正后的图像)平均垂直精度总体为分米级,即0.16~0.65 m,标准差为0.13~0.69 m,略低于低起伏区的精度,对于测量条件恶劣的高起伏区,该精度是可接受的;异常高的垂直误差常出现在地形突变、低矮植被密集、行走困难等测量条件不理想位置。图像控制点中心点的准确识别、提取剖面线的修正准确性等因素也会影响精度评估的可靠性。Abstract: After ~10 years of rapid development, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry has become one of the conventional methods for active tectonics research. However, there are deficiencies in the accuracy assessment of UAV Photogrammetry, especially in high relief areas. To make up for this defect, we carried out UAV photogrammetry at two sites of Heiyusi and Huama Village along the Guanggaishan-Dieshan fault to construct ortho-images (DOM) and the digital surface model (DSM), and differential-GPS (DGPS) measurement was used for topographic correction and accuracy assessment. The point accuracy was analyzed by comparing DGPS points with image extraction points; the profile accuracy was analyzed by comparing the DGPS profiles with the extracted profiles. The research results show that there is a large error between the image-extraction points (uncorrected) and the DGPS points, the horizontal error is 5~8 m, and the vertical error is tens of meters to hundreds of meters, but after correction by a few control points, the point accuracy of the DOM and DSM can reach within 20 cm, the average vertical error between six DGPS profiles and extracted profiles (extracted from corrected DSM) is generally at the decimeter level, that is, 0.16~0.65 m, with a standard deviation of 0.13~0.69 m, this accuracy is slightly lower than that in the low relief areas, which is acceptable for the high relief areas with harsh measurement conditions; abnormally high vertical errors often occur in areas with unsatisfactory measurement conditions such as terrain abrupt changes, dense low vegetation, and difficulty in walking, etc. In addition, factors such as the identification error of the centre of the control point, and the correction error of the extracted profile would also affect the accuracy assessment work.
表 1 黑峪寺和化马村测量情况
Table 1. Measurements of Heiyusi and Huama site
工作点 飞行高度/
%照片数量/张 控制点数目/个 点云密度/
(DSM)分辨率/cm黑峪寺 124.0 0.725 约70 1 160 12 31.4 4.46 17.8 化马村 98.6 0.385 约70 427 7 47.0 3.65 14.6 表 2 黑峪寺未校正图像提取控制点与差分GPS实测控制点水平误差和垂直误差
Table 2. Horizontal and vertical errors between uncorrected image extraction points and DGPS measured points
控制点 未校正图像提取控制点 差分GPS实测控制点 水平误差/m 垂直误差/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 1 104.186 256 0 33.924 494 0 2 265.156 104.186 241 1 33.924 436 3 2 152.30 6.54 112.85 2 104.186 157 0 33.923 752 0 2 236.890 104.186 139 1 33.923 690 0 2 125.35 7.08 111.54 3 104.185 135 0 33.924 406 0 2 240.789 104.185 117 6 33.924 343 7 2 128.93 7.1 111.86 4 104.184 937 0 33.925 042 0 2 246.660 104.184 919 9 33.924 979 4 2 133.69 7.12 112.97 5 104.184 051 0 33.924 445 0 2 216.075 104.184 030 3 33.924 377 2 2 104.69 7.76 111.38 6 104.184 389 0 33.925 279 0 2 244.573 104.184 371 8 33.925 216 1 2 131.53 7.16 113.05 7 104.184 360 0 33.926 269 0 2 275.363 104.184 346 3 33.926 211 8 2 160.58 6.47 114.79 8 104.183 976 0 33.926 130 0 2 266.602 104.183 961 1 33.926 071 9 2 152.41 6.59 114.19 9 104.183 428 0 33.925 507 0 2 263.471 104.183 411 8 33.925 446 6 2 150.93 6.86 112.54 10 104.183 103 0 33.926 348 0 2 279.589 104.183 087 8 33.926 292 7 2 165.80 6.29 113.79 11 104.182 400 0 33.926 389 0 2 288.628 104.182 384 8 33.926 333 7 2 175.40 6.29 113.23 12 104.182 916 0 33.927 011 0 2 311.029 104.182 903 3 33.926 961 3 2 196.41 5.64 114.62 表 3 经6个控制点校正后提取的检验点坐标与实测坐标对比
Table 3. Comparison between six control points-corrected test points and measured points
检验点 从DOM和DSM提取坐标 差分GPS实测控制点 水平误差/m 垂直误差/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 2 104.186 140 0 33.923 689 0 2 125.46 104.186 139 1 33.923 690 0 2 125.35 0.15 0.11 4 104.184 920 0 33.924 981 0 2 133.82 104.184 919 9 33.924 979 4 2 133.69 0.2 0.13 6 104.184 371 0 33.925 217 0 2 131.74 104.184 371 8 33.925 216 1 2 131.53 0.14 0.22 8 104.183 960 0 33.926 072 0 2 152.54 104.183 961 1 33.926 071 9 2 152.41 0.08 0.13 11 104.182 385 0 33.926 335 0 2 175.32 104.182 384 8 33.926 333 7 2 175.40 0.17 0.07 12 104.182 903 0 33.926 960 0 2 196.22 104.182 903 3 33.926 961 3 2 196.41 0.15 0.19 表 4 化马村未校正图像提取控制点与差分GPS实测控制点水平误差和垂直误差
Table 4. Directional error at Huama site between extraction points from uncorrected images and measured points
控制点 未校正图像提取控制点 差分GPS实测控制点 水平误差/m 垂直误差/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 经度/° 纬度/° 高度/m 1 104.540 325 0 33.741 176 0 1 556.67 104.540 288 33.741 114 4 1 594.24 7.65 37.57 2 104.541 607 0 33.741 010 0 1 532.95 104.541 567 33.740 947 4 1 569.41 7.90 36.46 3 104.540 270 0 33.740 160 0 1 512.82 104.540 226 33.740 100 6 1 550.56 7.75 37.74 4 104.540 635 0 33.739 285 0 1 467.24 104.540 585 33.739 227 6 1 503.28 7.86 36.04 5 104.540 810 0 33.738 124 0 1 469.00 104.540 761 33.738 065 9 1 506.09 7.89 37.09 6 104.541 360 0 33.739 435 0 1 500.42 104.541 315 33.739 375 3 1 537.03 7.84 36.60 7 104.542 265 0 33.740 881 0 1 536.25 104.542 224 33.740 818 0 1 572.04 7.97 35.79 -
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