Evidence of Late Pleistocene Activity and Seismic Risk Significance of Chengnan Fault in Binbei Area
摘要: 埕南断层是埕宁隆起与济阳凹陷的边界断层,也是滨北地区1条规模最大的重要断层,采用浅层地震勘探和钻孔联合剖面探测相结合的方法,确定了埕南断层准确位置,探明了断层的产状,揭露了上断点深度。钻探结果显示,埕南断层为正断特征,倾向南或南东,倾角70°~80°,断层上断点埋深44.3~46.4 m,断距1.0~1.3 m。通过年代学测试确定了错断地层的年代,获得埕南断层错断晚更新世地层的证据,埕南断层晚更新世活动证据的发现对滨北地区地震危险性再认识具有重要意义和价值。Abstract: Chengnan fault is the boundary fault between chengning uplift and Jiyang depression, and it is also an important fault with the largest scale in Binbei area. Combining with the shallow seismic exploration and composite drilling section exploration, the accurate location of Chengnan fault is determined, The occurrence of the fault is proved and the depth of the upper breakpoint is revealed. The drilling results show that Chengnan fault is characterized by normal fault, dipping South or southeast, with an inclination of about 70 °~80 °. The buried depth of the breakpoint on the fault is 44.3~46.4 m, and the vertical displacement is 0.8~1.2 m. The age of the faulted strata is determined through chronological test, and the evidence of the faulted late Pleistocene strata of Chengnan fault is obtained. The discovery of the evidence of the late Pleistocene activity of Chengnan fault is of great significance and value to the re understanding of the seismic risk in Binbei area.e seismic risk in Binbei area.
表 1 BK2孔样品光释光年龄及参数
Table 1. Photoluminescence age and parameters of samples in hole BK2
样品编号 样品岩性 样品埋深/m 环境剂量率/Gy·ka−1 等效剂量/Gy 释光年龄/ka BK2-1 粉质黏土 3.2 2.7±0.3 11.2±0.8 4.2±0.3 BK2-2 粉土 8.0 2.7±0.3 27.4±4.8 10.0±1.8 BK2-4 粉砂 15.0 2.5±0.3 30.3±3.0 12.1±1.2 BK2-5 黏土 18.4 2.5±0.3 112.4±12.4 44.8±4.9 BK2-6 粉土 22.7 2.4±0.2 122.4±16.4 50.8±6.8 BK2-8 粉质黏土 32.0 2.4±0.2 131.4±9.8 54.8±4.1 BK2-9 粉质黏土 36.0 2.8±0.2 231.4±17.4 82.6±6.2 BK2-11 粉砂 44.0 2.4±0.2 199.1±12.6 82.9±5.3 BK2-C4 粉土 56.5 2.4±0.2 279.1±14.1 116.2±5.9 BK2-14 粉质黏土 57.0 2.5±0.3 299.1±16.5 118.2±6.6 表 2 BK2孔第四系厚度划分
Table 2. Quaternary thickness division of hole BK2
系 统 阶 厚度/m 特征 第
Q全新统Qh / 14.4 上部为黄褐色粉土、粉质黏土互层,下部棕褐色、灰褐色粉土、粉质黏土互层。以灰褐色调与下伏的褐黄色粉砂相区别。 更新统QP 萨拉乌苏阶${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^3 $ 37.6 顶部为褐黄色、棕黄色粉砂、粉质黏土、粉土,含钙质结核、铁锰结核,中部为厚层黄褐色粉砂、粉土,底部为黄褐色粉质黏土。 周口店阶${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^2 $ 54.2 多个完整或不完整的黄褐色黏土-粉质黏土-粉土-粉砂-中细砂沉积韵律。底部以较深色调的黄褐色粉砂与下伏的浅色调粉质黏土相区分。 泥河湾阶${\rm{Q}}_{\rm{p}}^1 $ 137.8 薄层或中薄层的黄褐色、褐黄色粉质黏土、粉土、粉砂沉积旋回,夹厚层的黏土、粉砂层,底部剪影的褐黄色黏土,含较多铁锰氧化物,钙质结核直径可达4 cm。 -
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