Quaternary Active Segmentation Characteristics of the Pangusi-Xinxiang Fault
摘要: 盘谷寺-新乡断裂以柏山、高村为界,分为西、中、东3段,根据物探剖面、地质标准孔和地层剖面出露特征,各段活动性具有明显差异。其中西段最新活动时代为中更新世,具有向盆地迁移发育的特征;中段最新活动时代为晚更新世早期;东段活动性稍复杂,经历了正断-逆冲-正断的运动过程演变,其最新活动时代为晚更新世早期,且活动强度向两端减弱。高村所处的武陟隆起区推测为盘谷寺-新乡断裂中、东段的挤压阶区,断层位移在此处有亏损和衰减。Abstract: The Pangusi-Xinxiang fault is divided into three sections, western, middle, and eastern, bounded by Baishan and Gaocun. According to the exposed characteristics of geophysical profiles, geological standard holes and stratigraphic profiles, the activities of each section are significantly different. Among them, the latest active age of the western segment is Middle Pleistocene, which has the characteristics of migration and development to the basin; the latest active age of the middle segment is the early late Pleistocene. The eastern segment of the fault has slightly complicated activity, and it has undergone the evolution of normal fault-thrust-normal faut, the latest activity age is early Late Pleistocene, and the activity gradually decreases towards both ends. The Wuzhi uplift area where Gaocun is located is presumed to be the compressional terrace of the middle and eastern segments of the Pangusi-Xinxiang fault, where the fault displacement is both depleted and attenuated.1) 2 河南省地质矿产局编. 1985. 河南省区域地质志.2) 3 中国地震局地球物理勘探中心郑州基础工程勘察研究院. 2015. 焦作市活动断层探测与地震危险性评价技术报告.
图 3 西段深地震层析剖面解译图②
Figure 3. Interpretation map of deep seismic tomography profile in the western segment
图 4 八一水库溢洪道地质剖面(刘尧兴等,2001)
Figure 4. The geological profile of the spillway of Bayi reservoir(Liu et al, 2001)
表 1 收集地震测线断层参数
Table 1. Collected seismic line fault parameters
测线名称 推测上断点埋深/m 上断点断距/m 倾向 推测最新
活动时代PL1 65~70 3~5 S 晚更新世早期 PL2 65~70 3~5 S 晚更新世早期 PL3 65~70 4~6 S 晚更新世早期 PL4 60~65 4~6 S 晚更新世早期 PL5 100~110 4~6 N 中更新世 PL6 72~77 5~7 N 晚更新世早期 PL7 约71 约11 N 晚更新世早期 PL8 约80 约2 N 晚更新世早期 PL9 约64 约18 N 晚更新世早期 PL10 约69 约20 N 晚更新世早期 PL11 约68 约15 N 晚更新世早期 PL12 约140 约8 N 中更新世 PL13 190~200 — 陡直N 早更新世 PL14 190~200 — 陡直N 早更新世 表 2 3个地质标准孔地层划分深度与厚度数据表
Table 2. Data sheet of ground layer division depth and thickness of three geological standard holes
地层单位 代号 ZK1 ZK2 ZK3 深度/m 厚度/m 深度/m 厚度/m 深度/m 厚度/m 全新统 Qh 4.48 4.48 6.15 6.15 15.30 15.30 上更新统 $\rm Q_P^3 $ 67.50 63.02 63.40 57.25 81.05 65.75 中更新统 $\rm Q_P^2 $ 162.48 (未揭穿) 94.98 175.27 111.87 166.55 85.50 下更新统 $\rm Q_P^1 $ — — 未出露 — 195.65 (未揭穿) — 上新统 N2 — — 200.57(未揭穿) — — — -
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