Quaternary Activity Characteristic of the Kaifeng Fault
摘要: 开封断裂是郑州-开封断裂带的重要组成部分,也是黄河中下游平原的一条重要控制性断裂。利用浅层地震勘探发现,开封断裂为总体走向EW,倾向N的正断层;断裂分为东、西2支,断裂活动性具有明显的分段特征,东支活动性较西支强。钻孔联合剖面揭示开封断裂东支断裂上断点埋深27~35 m,根据地层年代学结果,其最新活动时间为晚更新世。研究成果为开封市城乡规划、重大工程选址和地震区划工作提供了重要的基础数据。Abstract: Kaifeng fault is an important segment of Zhengzhou-Kaifeng fault zone,and it is also an important controlling fault in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River Plain. It is found that Kaifeng fault is a normal fault with overall strike EW and dip N by using shallow seismic exploration. The fault can be divided into East and West branches, and has obvious differentiated segmented characteristics. The activity of the East branch is stronger than that of the West Branch. The borehole joint geological profile reveals that the buried depth of the breakpoint on the fault is between 27 m and 35 m. Combining with the chronological results, the latest age of activity is the late Pleistocene. The results can provide important basic data for Kaifeng urban and rural planning, major project site selection and seismic zoning.1) 2河南省平原第四纪地质图及地质图说明书(1/50万). 郑州:河南省地质局. 开封市活动断层探测与地震危险性评价. 郑州:河南省地震局.
表 1 观测系统参数表
Table 1. Parameter table of the observation system
线号 道距/m 炮距/m 偏移距/m 接收道数 覆盖次数 采样间隔/ms 前放增益/db 记录时间/s 震源吨位/t ZK1 5 20 0 240 30 0.5 12 3 26 ZK2 5 20 0 260 32 0.5 12 3 26 ZK3 4 16 0 320 40 0.5 12 2 9 ZK4 5 20 0 260 32 0.5 12 3 26 表 2 勘察断点参数表
Table 2. Parameter table of the upper offset point of fault
资料来源 探测断裂 上断点埋深 断距特征 断裂活动性判断 收集石油测线 开封断裂 浅层数据被切除,
可识别最大埋深300 m新近系底部断距150 m PreQ 古近系底界 2 000 m ZK1 开封断裂西支 95 m 3~5 m $ {\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{P}}^{2} $ ZK4 开封断裂西支 139 m 5~8 m $ {\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{P}}^{2} $ ZK2 开封断裂东支 50 m 2~3 m $ {\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{P}}^{3} $ ZK3 开封断裂东支 45~50 m 1~3 m $ {\mathrm{Q}}_{\mathrm{P}}^{3} $ 表 3 钻孔联合剖面主要地层层断距
Table 3. Respective displacement of the mark layer in composite geological profile
主要标志层 地层岩性 下盘埋深/m 上盘埋深/m 断距/m 地层①泥炭层 灰黑色泥碳层 Z2:15.29~15.95
Z10:15.47~15.81— 地层②底界面 上部为棕灰、棕黄色细砂,
Z10:36.990.75 地层③泥炭夹层 黑色泥炭层 Z2:40.84~41.47
Z10:42.96~43.261 地层③底界面 上部为黄棕色、灰棕色粉砂,下部为深棕色、黄棕色粉质黏土,界线清晰 Z2:50.20
Z10:51.971.7 地层④底界面 上部深棕色粉砂,下部为深棕色黏土分界面,界线清晰 Z2:60.37
Z1:66.443.1 地层⑤底界面 上部为棕黄色、浅棕色粉砂
Z5:86.987.1 -
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