Research on Seismic Response of Multi-story Subway Station Based on Pushover Analysis Method
摘要: 为系统研究多层地铁车站结构地震反应,本文采用地下结构Pushover分析方法对Ⅱ、Ⅲ类场地9座不同结构形式的地铁车站结构进行系列拟静力推覆分析。研究结果表明:中柱是多层地铁车站结构关键抗震构件,地震作用下易先于其他构件产生损伤甚至破坏,车站结构出现整体性塌毁主要是由于中柱首先产生剪切破坏而丧失竖向承载力导致的。中柱是地铁车站结构重要的竖向承力构件,侧墙是地铁车站结构主要水平承力构件。损伤演变速度及损伤累计程度排序为中柱>侧墙>板。对于多层地铁车站结构而言,结构底层中柱和侧墙通常承受更高的轴压作用,使其损伤和破坏先于上层构件。中柱顶、底端和墙、板交界位置在地震作用下极易产生损伤破坏,建议在抗震设计中对这些位置适当地进行加强处理。
- 多层地铁车站 /
- 地震反应 /
- Pushover分析方法 /
- 地震薄弱环节
Abstract: In order to systematically study the seismic damage response of multi-story subway station structures, this paper uses the Pushover analysis method of underground structures to carry out a series of pseudo-static pushover analysis on 9 subway station structures with different structural types in the second and third types of sites. The research results show that the center column is a key seismic component of the multi-story subway station structure. It is likely to be damaged or even destroyed before other components under the action of an earthquake. The overall collapse of the station structure is mainly due to the first shear failure of the center column. Caused by the vertical load-bearing capacity. The center column is an important vertical bearing member of the subway station structure, and the side wall is the main horizontal bearing member of the subway station structure. From the point of view of structural component damage, the order of damage evolution speed and damage cumulative degree of columns, slabs and walls is: column>wall>slab. For multi-layer structures, the center pillars and side walls of the bottom layer of the structure usually bear higher axial pressure, making their damage and destruction precede the upper members. The top and bottom ends of the center column and the wall-slab junction are prone to damage and destruction under the action of an earthquake. It is recommended that these positions should be properly strengthened in the seismic design. -
表 1 Davidenkov模型参数
Table 1. The values of Devidenkov model parameters
土类 参数 a b γ0/10−4 填土 1.20 0.40 1.69 粉土 1.05 0.49 5.36 粉质黏土 1.20 0.47 5.80 砂土 1.15 0.33 5.36 圆硕卵石 1.25 0.31 8.99 -
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