Seismic Response Analysis of Transfer-purging Chamber in Nuclear Power Plant
摘要: 转运-清洗间作为核电厂反应堆堆外换料系统中的主要设施,为反应堆换料操作提供了安全可靠的生物屏蔽空间,转运-清洗间采用的是双钢板重混凝土组合结构。本文基于有限元软件ABAQUS对转运-清洗间的抗震性能进行分析,包括地震动激励下结构的峰值应力、应变和动力特性。结果表明,在转运间的底部悬挑边缘部位存在应力集中,但是钢板、栓钉和重混凝土墙仍有充分的安全裕度。转运-清洗间的整体刚度较大,在设计基准地震动激励下结构反应的峰值加速度放大系数及峰值相对位移较小,结构具有良好的安全性和完整性,核电厂转运-清洗间的设计安全可靠。Abstract: The transfer-purging chamber is the main facility of the refueling system of a reactor in nuclear power plants to provides a sealed and biological shielded environment for the refueling operation of the reactor. The transfer-purging chamber adopts the double steel plates reinforced concrete structure. Based on ABAQUS, the peak stress, strain and dynamic characteristics of the transfer-purging chamber under the excitation of ground motions are analyzed. The results show that there is stress concentration at the bottom cantilever edge of the transfer chamber, however, the steel plate, bolt and concrete still have sufficient safety margin. The stiffness of the transfer-purging chamber is great, the peak acceleration amplification coefficient and peak relative displacement of the structure are small under the excitation of design basis ground motions. The structure has good safety performance and integrity, and the design of the nuclear power structure transfer-purging chamber is safe and reliable.
表 1 材料本构关系的主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of material constitutive relationship
材料 参数 数值 钢材(Q355) 弹性模量E/MPa 206000 屈服强度/MPa 355 泊松比 0.3 ML15 弹性模量E/MPa 210000 屈服强度/MPa 270 泊松比 0.3 重混凝土(C40) 密度/Kg·m−3 3700 弹性模量/MPa 50000 抗压应变设计值 1450×10−6 泊松比 0.2 膨胀角/° 35 偏心率 0.1 双轴抗压强度$ {f}_{b_0} $与单轴抗压强度$ {f}_{e_0} $的比值 1.16 粘性参数 0.66667 -
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