• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


胡宗凯 李安 原浩东 苗树清 杨晓平

胡宗凯,李安,原浩东,苗树清,杨晓平,2022. 北天山博乐盆地南缘勒塔干褶皱晚第四纪构造变形. 震灾防御技术,17(1):1−10. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220101. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220101
引用本文: 胡宗凯,李安,原浩东,苗树清,杨晓平,2022. 北天山博乐盆地南缘勒塔干褶皱晚第四纪构造变形. 震灾防御技术,17(1):1−10. doi:10.11899/zzfy20220101. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220101
Hu Zongkai, Li An, Yuan Haodong, Miao Shuqing, Yang Xiaoping. Late Quaternary Tectonic Deformation of the Latgan Fold in the Southern Margin of the Bole Basin, North Tianshan[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(1): 1-10. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220101
Citation: Hu Zongkai, Li An, Yuan Haodong, Miao Shuqing, Yang Xiaoping. Late Quaternary Tectonic Deformation of the Latgan Fold in the Southern Margin of the Bole Basin, North Tianshan[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2022, 17(1): 1-10. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220101


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20220101
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1504101);国家自然科学基金面上项目(42072249);中国地震局地质研究所基本科研业务专项(IGCEA1704)




Late Quaternary Tectonic Deformation of the Latgan Fold in the Southern Margin of the Bole Basin, North Tianshan

  • 摘要: 研究天山地区活动逆冲断裂、褶皱对于认识整个天山再生造山带的隆升和地震危险性评估具有重要意义。以天山北麓博乐盆地南缘库松木楔克断裂东段勒塔干褶皱为研究对象,通过无人机航拍提取高精度DEM和野外实地调查结果,将勒塔干背斜东部迪里克河附近的洪积扇分为5期,从新到老分别为T1、T2、T3、T4、T5。其中,T4洪积扇完整记录了褶皱的变形历史,其后翼褶皱陡坎高度为(8.1±0.6)m。自T4洪积扇废弃以来,勒塔干断层的滑移量为(33.0±2.6)m。T3洪积扇仅发育在迪里克河出水口处,即勒塔干背斜北侧,(16.9±0.2)m的断层陡坎高度揭示了自T3洪积扇废弃以来,控制背斜形成的逆断层发生了21.4~21.7 m的滑动。通过与相邻地区洪积扇期次进行对比,认为T4洪积扇的废弃年龄为(74.01±6.14)ka,勒塔干背斜下断坡晚第四纪滑动速率为(0.45±0.05)mm/a,勒塔干褶皱晚第四纪地壳缩短速率为(0.37±0.04)mm/a。
  • 图  1  天山地区活动构造

    Figure  1.  Active tectonics map in the Tianshan area

    图  2  博乐盆地和库松木楔克东段断层展布图

    Figure  2.  Fault distribution of Bole basin and eastern segment of Kusongmuxieke fault

    图  3  勒塔干背斜东段洪积扇分布

    Figure  3.  Alluvial fans distributions in the eastern segment of Latgan anticline

    图  4  勒塔干背斜及北翼逆断层

    Figure  4.  Lagtan anticline and thrust fault in the northern limb

    图  5  勒塔干褶皱东段地貌剖面图和断弯褶皱、铲状断层后翼抬升动力学模型图

    Figure  5.  Geomorphic profile of eastern segment of Latgan fold and back limb uplift dynamic model of fault-bend fold and listric fault

    图  6  勒塔干断层陡坎地形剖面图

    Figure  6.  Profile of the Latgan fault scarp

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