Analysis on Characteristics and Countermeasures of Qiaojia MS5.0 Earthquake in Yunnan Province
摘要: 2020年5月18日21时47分云南省巧家县小河镇发生MS5.0地震,本文结合震区背景信息和现场调查结果,详细阐述了此次地震人员伤亡、房屋震害、地质灾害情况及致灾原因。分析认为,震区易发生小震致灾现象,与当地民居抗震性能较差、次生地质灾害严重、人口密集且居住地多位于山坡及山底等因素有关。为避免小震致灾,应提高震区及周边地区建筑物抗震能力,进行合理规划,迁移高风险区居民点。Abstract: At 21:47 on May 18th, 2020, an Ms5.0 earthquake struck Qiaojia County, in Yunnan Province. Based on the seismotectonic information and on-site investigations , this paper elaborates on the casualties, housing damages, geological disasters and the causes of the earthquake disasters clearly. The result shows that this area is prone to small earthquakes lead to major disasters, which are related to the poor seismic performance of local residential buildings, severe secondary geological disasters, dense population and mostly located on hillsides and mountain bottoms. In order to prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to improve the earthquake resistance of buildings in the earthquake zone and surrounding areas, make rationally planning and relocate settlements in high-risk areas.
表 1 巧家县及周边县城震级相近的历史地震比较
Table 1. Comparison of historical earthquakes of similar magnitude in Qiaojia county and surrounding areas
震例 死亡人数/人 受伤人数/人 地震灾害致死人数/人 2020年巧家5.0级地震 4 28 2 2003年鲁甸5.0级地震 0 24 — 2003年鲁甸5.1级地震 4 94 — 2004年鲁甸5.6级地震 4 597 — 2006年盐津5.1、4.7级地震 2 67 20 2006年盐津5.1级地震 23(含失踪1人) 114 2010年巧家4.8级地震 0 17 — 2012年彝良5.7级和5.6级地震 81 834 65 2014年鲁甸6.5级地震 729(含失踪112人) 3 143 250 2014年永善5.0级地震 0 20 — 2014年永善5.3级地震 0 5 — -
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