Quasi-static Test and Numerical Simulation of RC Shear Panel with Concealed Hollow Slits
摘要: 为明晰中空暗缝RC剪力墙抗剪机理和滞回性能,进行1榀1∶3缩尺单层、单跨中空暗缝RC剪力墙板拟静力试验,得到了试件破坏模式、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、刚度退化、强度退化、延性和耗能能力。通过数值模拟分析了混凝土强度、中空暗缝厚度、缝间墙配筋率对剪力墙板水平抗剪承载力的影响。研究结果表明:试件滞回曲线呈捏缩状,耗能能力一般,但具有较好的剪切变形能力;试件最终呈中空暗缝剪碎、缝间墙两端形成弯曲塑性铰的破坏模式;随着混凝土强度的提高和中空暗缝厚度的减小,试件水平抗剪承载力呈增加趋势;缝间墙配筋率对试件水平抗剪承载力及损伤状态的影响较小。Abstract: In order to clarify the shear mechanism and hysteretic behavior of RC shear wall with concealed hollow slits, one one-bay, one-story, RC shear wall specimen at one-third scale was tested under cyclic loading. The failure mode, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, stiffness degradation, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the specimen were obtained. The effect of concrete strength, concealed hollow slit thickness, and reinforcement ratio of slit wall on its lateral strength was investigated through numerical simulation. Results show that the specimen behaved the pinched hysteretic curve and minor energy dissipation, but moderate shear deformability. The specimen behaved the two-stage failure mode, i.e., the concrete crushing of concealed hollow slits at the first stage, and the development of flexural plastic hinges at both ends of slit walls during the second stage. With the increase in concrete strength and the decrease in concealed hollow slits thickness, the lateral strength of the specimens increased. The reinforcement ratio produced the slight effect on the lateral strength and damage states.
表 1 钢材力学性能
Table 1. Material properties of steel and steel bar
类型 厚度或直径/mm 屈服强度fy/MPa 极限强度fu/MPa 伸长率ε/% 槽钢腹板 5.1 333.40 405.58 24.30 直径4mm钢筋 4.0 270.52 465.24 11.31 直径6.5mm钢筋 6.5 379.20 538.03 26.44 表 2 试件RCIP位移及延性系数
Table 2. Deformation and ductility of specimen RCIP
加载方向 显著层间屈服位移角θy/% 峰值位移角θm/% 极限位移角θu/% 延性系数μ 正向 0.46 0.87 1.71 3.72 负向 0.38 1.03 1.58 4.16 均值 0.42 0.95 1.65 3.94 -
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