Parameter Analysis of Prefabricated Double Column Piers with Embedded Flange Connection
摘要: 本文基于实际工程对内嵌式法兰连接预制拼装双柱墩参数进行了分析,将法兰设置在塑性铰区以外,设计1∶3缩尺模型,通过分析不同法兰强度等级、混凝土强度等级、轴压比和配筋率的内嵌式法兰连接预制拼装双柱墩模型,得到不同情况下推覆曲线和损伤破坏状态,分析各参数的影响。研究结果表明,法兰强度等级对结构的影响较小,配筋率对结构承载力和延性的影响较大,结构最终失效主要表现在塑性铰区域,法兰存在一定程度的翘起。Abstract: The embedded flange connection for prefabricated double piers was proposed in this paper based on actual engineering. The flange was set outside the plastic hinge region and a dimension 1∶3 scaled-down model has been designed.The pushover curve and damage state was derived through different analyze of flange strength, concrete strength, axial compression ratio, and it was applied to analyze and explain the influence of each parameter on the structure from the aspect of stress and strain state. The results show that flange strength has little effect on the structure while reinforcement ratio has great influence on the bearing capacity and ductility of the structure. The final failure of the structure is mainly in the area of flange joints.
表 1 参数工况
Table 1. Parameter cases
组别 编号 法兰强度等级 混凝土强度等级 轴压比 配筋率/% 主筋类型 A A1 Q235 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 X Q345 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 A3 Q390 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 A4 Q420 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 A5 Q460 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 B B1 Q345 C40 0.05 3 HRB400 B2 Q345 C50 0.05 3 HRB400 B3 Q345 C60 0.05 3 HRB400 X Q345 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 B5 Q345 C80 0.05 3 HRB400 C C1 Q345 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 C2 Q345 C70 0.10 3 HRB400 C3 Q345 C70 0.15 3 HRB400 X Q345 C70 0.20 3 HRB400 C5 Q345 C70 0.25 3 HRB400 D D1 Q345 C70 0.05 1 HRB400 D2 Q345 C70 0.05 1.5 HRB400 D3 Q345 C70 0.05 2 HRB400 D4 Q345 C70 0.05 2.5 HRB400 X Q345 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 E X Q345 C70 0.05 3 HRB400 E2 Q345 C70 0.05 3 PSB830 表 2 不同轴压比构件延性系数
Table 2. Ductility coefficients of structures with different axial compression ratios
轴压比 峰值承载力/kN 峰值位移/mm 极限承载力/kN 极限位移/mm 屈服承载力/kN 屈服位移/mm 延性系数 0.05 619.25 18.7 526.36 55.13 464.44 7.16 7.7 0.10 656.51 16.8 558.03 43.49 492.38 6.85 6.3 0.15 685.99 15.9 583.09 38.24 514.49 6.43 5.9 0.20 718.69 14.9 610.89 34.55 539.02 6.17 5.5 0.25 744.58 13.1 632.89 30.71 558.44 5.78 5.3 -
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