Study on Seismic Behavior of CFRP Reinforced Rectangular Precast Shear Wall with Energy-dissipating Vertical Joints
摘要: 以一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙作为研究对象,设计了3个装配式剪力墙试件及1个现浇剪力墙对比试件,进行低周往复荷载试验,并对破坏墙体进行CFRP加固,再次进行拟静力试验。试件变化参数包括轴压比、混凝土强度等级及配筋率,对比分析加固前后试件滞回性能、刚度退化、承载力和耗能能力等性能。试验结果表明,与现浇剪力墙相比,一字形竖缝耗能预制剪力墙工作性能良好,阻尼器屈服耗能提高了试件整体工作性能;CFRP加固可有效抑制墙体斜裂缝的发展,对墙体承载力及耗能能力均有显著改善作用;各试件均满足剪力墙弹塑性层间位移角限值要求,延性较好;试件整体表现出良好的抗震性能。Abstract: Taking the precast shear wall with energy-dissipating vertical joints as the research object, three precast shear wall specimens and one cast-in-place shear wall specimen were designed to carry out the low-cycle reciprocating load test, and the damaged specimens were reinforced with carbon fiber cloth, and the pseudo-static test was carried out. The changing parameters of the specimens were axial compression ratio (0.1, 0.3), concrete strength and reinforcement ratio. The hysteretic behavior, stiffness degradation, bearing capacity and energy dissipation capacity of the specimens before and after reinforcement were compared and analyzed. The results show that: compared with the cast-in-place shear wall, the working performance of the rectangular shear wall with energy-dissipating vertical joints is good, and the dampers improve the overall working performance of the specimen; CFRP reinforcement can effectively inhibit the development of the inclined cracks of the wall, and significantly improve the bearing capacity and energy-dissipating capacity. All specimens meet the limit of elastoplastic interlayer displacement Angle of shear wall and have good ductility. The specimens show good seismic performance.
Key words:
- Precast shear wall /
- Vertical joint /
- CFRP reinforcement /
- Ductility /
- Seismic performance
表 1 试件设计参数
Table 1. Design parameters of specimen
编号 混凝土强度等级 竖缝宽度/
mm轴压比 YX-0.1 C30 — 0.1 Y-0.1/SY-0.1 C30 250 0.1 YA-0.1/SYA-0.1 C40 250 0.1 YA-0.3/SYA-0.3 C40 250 0.3 表 2 混凝土材料性能
Table 2. properties of concrete materials
混凝土强度等级 立方体抗压强度平均值/
MPaC30 32.8 21.94 C40 41.8 27.96 表 3 钢筋材料性能
Table 3. Material properties of steel bar
钢筋直径/mm 屈服应力/MPa 极限应力/MPa 强屈比$ {\text{λ }} $ 8 475 688 1.45 10 473 696 1.47 12 451 609 1.35 25 465 658 1.42 表 4 加载方案
Table 4. Loading scheme table
编号 层间位移角 顶点位移/mm 循环次数 1 1.0/840 3.4 2 2 2.0/840 6.9 2 3 4.0/840 13.7 2 4 7.0/840 24.0 2 5 10.5/840 36.0 2 6 14.0/840 48.0 2 7 17.5/840 60.0 2 8 21.0/840 72.0 2 表 5 试件特征点荷载
Table 5. Load at characteristic point of specimen
试件编号 加载方向 开裂荷载/kN 开裂位移/mm 屈服荷载/kN 屈服位移/mm 峰值荷载/kN 峰值位移/mm 位移延性系数 Y-0.1 正 80.30 3.91 185.30 15.86 259.81 48.00 3.03 负 118.33 5.64 252.34 15.34 428.23 48.00 3.13 YA-0.1 正 166.81 6.74 328.07 17.36 562.58 56.34 3.25 负 132.74 6.20 338.50 18.46 720.57 52.65 2.85 YA-0.3 正 168.09 8.33 273.93 17.02 514.85 58.06 3.41 负 133.90 6.73 421.25 18.26 679.39 54.47 2.98 YX-0.1 正 177.57 7.66 216.57 19.96 363.39 58.32 2.92 负 112.61 8.18 239.70 19.61 351.63 56.52 2.88 SY-0.1 正 — — 186.38 24.94 286.96 72.24 2.90 负 — — 311.91 29.09 446.25 71.85 2.47 SYA-0.1 正 — — 311.43 21.49 528.05 38.64 1.80 负 — — 307.30 23.80 514.08 43.07 1.81 SYA-0.3 正 — — 230.27 23.27 473.45 54.31 2.33 负 — — 477.09 31.66 725.45 50.31 1.59 表 6 等效黏滞阻尼系数
Table 6. Equivalent viscous damping coefficient
加载位移/mm 试件Y-0.1 试件YA-0.1 试件YA-0.3 试件YX-0.1 试件SY-0.1 试件SYA-0.1 试件SYA-0.3 3.4 0.332 0.334 0.346 0.339 0.318 0.351 0.333 6.9 0.326 0.340 0.361 0.357 0.323 0.332 0.331 13.7 0.332 0.351 0.362 0.373 0.338 0.341 0.353 24.0 0.336 0.362 0.371 0.378 0.356 0.345 0.374 36.0 — 0.355 0.379 0.384 0.373 0.365 0.387 48.0 0.344 0.366 0.383 0.401 0.379 0.362 0.391 60.0 — 0.375 0.388 0.402 0.393 0.342 0.384 72.0 — — — 0.417 0.412 — 0.428 -
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