Preliminary Study on the Spatial Coherency of Surface Wave
摘要: 本文选取台湾LSST、SMART-1台阵地震记录,分别计算不同间距S波和面波相干系数,采用Loh提出的相干函数模型对计算结果进行参数拟合。研究结果表明,当台站间距
$ d < \text{50}\;{\rm{m}} $ 时,面波和S波相干系数基本相同;当台站间距$d = \text{500}\;{\rm{m}}$ 时,面波相干系数小于S波相干系数,且随着台站间距的增大,二者的差别逐渐增大;当台站间距$ d > \text{500}\;{\rm{m}}$ 时,面波空间相干性几乎不存在,可不考虑。本文给出的面波相干函数模型参数可作为大型盆地中的长大结构抗震分析时合成地震动场的参考。Abstract: In this paper, seismic records of Taiwan LSST array and SMART-1 array were selected to calculate the S-wave and surface wave coherence coefficients at different station distances. And then the coherence function model proposed by Loh was used to fit the calculation results. After comparison and analysis, we found that when the distance d < 50 m, the coherency coefficients of surface wave and S-waves are basically the same; when the distance d = 50 m , the coherency coefficients of surface wave is smaller than that of S-wave, and as the distance increases, the differences gradually increase. When the distance d > 500 m, the spatial coherency of the surface wave hardly exists, so no further consideration is needed. Finally, the surface wave coherency model parameters were given in this paper, which can be used as a reference for the synthetic ground motion field in the seismic analysis for long and large structures in large basins.-
Key words:
- S-wave /
- Surface wave /
- Spatial coherency /
- SMART-1 array /
- LSST array
表 1 LSST台阵台站间距和相应的台站对
Table 1. Station spacing and station pairs of LSST array
台站间距d/m 台站对 3 FA1-1—FA1-2,FA2-1—FA2-2,FA3-1—FA3-2 6 FA1-2—FA1-3,FA1-3—FA1-4,FA2-2—FA2-3,
FA3-2—FA3-3,FA3-3—FA3- 49 FA1-1—FA1-3,FA2-1—FA2-3,FA3-1—FA3-3 36 FA1-3—FA1-5,FA2-3—FA2-5,FA3-3—FA3-5 45 FA1-1—FA1-5,FA2-1—FA2-5,FA3-1—FA3-5 86 FA1-5—FA2-5,FA2-5—FA3-5,FA3-5—FA1-5 表 2 SMART-1台阵台站间距和相应的台站对
Table 2. Station spacing and station pairs of SMART-1 array
台站间距d/m 台站对 104 I03—I04,I04—I05,I05—I06,I06—I07 200 C00—I03,C00—I06,C00—I09,C00—I12 282 I03—I06,I06—I09,I09—I12 400 I01—I07,I03—I09,I06—I12 517 M03—M04,M05—M06 800 I03—M03,I05—M05,I06—M06 -
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