• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


李鑫 姚生海 殷翔 绽蓓蕾 盖海龙 李延峰

李鑫,姚生海,殷翔,绽蓓蕾,盖海龙,李延峰,2021. 青海玛多7.4级地震极震区震灾调查及分析. 震灾防御技术,16(3):429−436. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210301
引用本文: 李鑫,姚生海,殷翔,绽蓓蕾,盖海龙,李延峰,2021. 青海玛多7.4级地震极震区震灾调查及分析. 震灾防御技术,16(3):429−436. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210301. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210301
Li Xin, Yao Shenghai, Yin Xiang, Zhan Beilei, Gai Hailong, Li Yanfeng. Investigation and Analysis of Earthquake Disaster in the Extreme Earthquake Area of MS7.4 Earthquake in Qinghai Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(3): 429-436. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210301
Citation: Li Xin, Yao Shenghai, Yin Xiang, Zhan Beilei, Gai Hailong, Li Yanfeng. Investigation and Analysis of Earthquake Disaster in the Extreme Earthquake Area of MS7.4 Earthquake in Qinghai Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(3): 429-436. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210301


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210301
基金项目: 玛多地震科考专项经费




Investigation and Analysis of Earthquake Disaster in the Extreme Earthquake Area of MS7.4 Earthquake in Qinghai Province

  • 摘要: 2021年5月22日2时4分,青海省玛多县发生7.4级地震,距震中26 km的野马滩大桥及周边区域为此次地震极震区(地震烈度Ⅹ度,面积约69 km2),受损尤为严重。桥梁表现为落梁式破坏,房屋不同程度受损。对极震区内野马滩大桥及周边房屋进行实地调查与震灾分析,并提出灾后重建及震灾防御相关建议,包括组织专业人员进行灾区房屋安全鉴定,建议牧民居住建筑采用轻钢式结构,建议原地重建野马滩大桥并增加限位装置及连梁装置。
  • 图  1  青海玛多7.4级地震极震区范围示意

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagram of the investigation scope of the extreme area in Maduo county, Qinghai province

    图  2  青海玛多7.4级地震烈度图

    Figure  2.  Map of seismic intensity for MS7.4 earthquake in Qinghai province

    图  3  野马滩大桥连续多跨落梁

    Figure  3.  Continuous multi-span falling beam of Yematan bridge

    图  4  野马滩大桥桥墩不同程度破坏

    Figure  4.  Different degrees of damage to the piers of the Yematan bridge

    图  5  野马滩大桥桥面开裂

    Figure  5.  Cracking on the deck of the Yematan bridge

    图  6  极震区不同结构类型房屋受损情况

    Figure  6.  Investigation on damage of different structural houses in the extreme areas

    图  7  野马滩大桥东侧近东西向地裂缝

    Figure  7.  Near the east-west ground fissure on the east side of Yematan bridge

    图  8  野马滩大桥两侧砂土液化

    Figure  8.  Liquefaction of sand on both sides of Yematan bridge

    图  9  野马滩大桥与断层位置示意图

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of the Yematan bridge and fault location

    表  1  极震区不同结构类型房屋震灾调查结果

    Table  1.   Investigation on earthquake disaster of buildings with different structures in the extreme areas

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