Analysis and Reflection on Current Seismic Standards and Standard System in China
摘要: 本文简述了我国地震标准化发展从无到有、从小到大经历的4个主要阶段,基于地震标准发布实施时间及业务领域分布统计对地震标准现状进行详细分析,阐述我国现行地震标准特点和存在的问题。在进一步研究地震标准体系的基础上,提出了完善建议,并初步构建了新的地震标准体系框架。通过对现行地震标准和标准体系的分析,提出地震标准化思考与建议,以期为进一步推进地震标准化工作提供借鉴。Abstract: This paper briefly described the four main stages of the development of seismological standardization in China starting from scratch and from small to large. The present situation of seismological standards is analyzed in detail through the time of implementation of seismological standards and distribution of operational areas.The characteristics and existing problems of current seismological standards in China are expounded. On the basis of further study of seismological standard system, suggestions are put forward, and a new framework of seismological standard system is preliminarily constructed. Through the analysis of the current seismological standard and standard system, some thoughts and suggestions on seismological standardization are put forward in order to provide useful reference for further promoting seismological standardization.
Key words:
- Seismological standards /
- Standardization /
- Standard system
图 5 《地震行业标准体系表》(DB/T 1—2008)(中国地震局,2008)建立的地震标准体系框架
Figure 5. Framework of standard system for earthquake by 2008
表 1 地震标准按技术领域细分统计
Table 1. seismological standards classified by technical areas
类别 国家标准/项 行业标准/项 基础通用(22项) 4 18 观测方法(17项) 1 16 观测环境(4项) 4 — 站网建设与运维(21项) — 21 仪器设备(19项) — 19 预测预报(2项) — 2 活动断层探测(11项) 1 10 抗震设防(2项) 2 — 灾害风险评估(2项) 2 — 损失评估(12项) 5 7 地震应急与现场工作(7项) 7 — 救援装备(4项) — 4 救援队伍(4项) 2 2 公共服务(9项) 9 — 共计 37 99 -
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