Study on Restoring Force Model of High-strength Concrete Columns Reinforced with Multiple Composite Central Reinforcements
摘要: 基于8根高强混凝土多重复合芯柱在低周往复荷载作用下的试验结果,考虑轴压比、箍筋间距、配箍率等因素,提出骨架曲线特征点理论计算模型。同时,考虑加载历程对芯柱性能退化的影响,根据试验拟合结果引入刚度退化模型,以反映各试件滞回曲线卸载刚度退化规律,给出恢复力模型滞回规则,并将滞回曲线模拟值与试验值进行对比。结果表明:骨架曲线特征点计算方法具有较高精度,计算骨架曲线与试验测量骨架曲线吻合良好,可为高强混凝土多重复合芯柱非线性地震反应分析和工程设计提供参考。Abstract: Based on the quasi-static cyclic tests of eight high-strength concrete columns reinforced with multiple composite central reinforcements, a theoretical calculation model was presented to predict the characteristic points of skeleton curves for the columns considering influencing factors such as the axial compression ratio, stirrup spacing, and stirrup ratio. In addition, a restoring force model was introduced considering the degradation of unloading stiffness based on the fitted results of cyclic loading test data. The results show that the proposed model can accurately predict the characteristic points for these columns. The simulated hysteretic behaviors based on the restoring force model had good agreement with those from experimental results. Therefore, the proposed restoring force model can be applied for the nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures with such kinds of multiple reinforcement high-concrete columns.
Key words:
- Core column /
- Stirrup form /
- Skeleton curve /
- Seismic behavior /
- Restoring force model
表 1 试件主要参数
Table 1. Main parameters of specimens
试件编号 外芯 内芯 内芯箍筋间距s/mm 纵筋配筋率ρl/% 体积配箍率ρw/% 轴力Nt/kN 试验轴压比n 柱高H/mm CC — — 100 2.83 1.68 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-C-100 圆形 — 100 3.58 1.87 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-DC-100 圆形 圆形 100 3.90 1.96 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-DC-HA-100 圆形 圆形 100 3.90 1.96 3 180 0.48 1 200 C-DC-200 圆形 圆形 200 3.90 0.98 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-RC-100 方形 圆形 100 3.90 2.02 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-DR-100 方形 方形 100 3.90 2.04 1 270 0.19 1 200 C-SC-100 螺旋 圆形 100 3.90 2.03 1 270 0.19 1 200 注:试件编号“C-DC-HA-100”中“C”表示芯柱试件,“DC”表示内芯和外芯均采用圆形箍筋形式的芯柱,“HA”表示高轴压比试件,“100”表示箍筋间距为100 mm,“RC”表示外芯和内芯分别为方形和圆形箍筋形式的芯柱;“DR”表示外芯和内芯均采用方形箍筋形式的芯柱;“SC”表示外芯和内芯分别为螺旋型和圆形箍筋形式的芯柱。 表 2 侧向约束系数和约束混凝土强度
Table 2. Confinement factors and strength of confined concrete
试件名称 ${f'_{{\rm{el,s}}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{el,d}}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{el,h}}}}$ ${K_{\rm{s}}}$ ${K_{\rm{d}}}$ ${K_{\rm{h}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{co}}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{ccs}}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{ccd}}}}$ ${f'_{{\rm{cch}}}}$ CC 2.03 — — 1.29 — — 43.4 56.1 — — C-C-100 2.03 2.66 — 1.29 1.37 — 43.4 56.1 59.6 — C-DC-100 2.03 2.66 3.46 1.29 1.37 1.47 43.4 56.1 59.6 63.7 C-DC-HA-100 2.03 2.66 3.46 1.29 1.37 1.47 43.4 56.1 59.6 63.7 C-DC-200 2.03 2.23 2.31 1.29 1.32 1.33 43.4 56.1 57.2 57.7 C-RC-100 2.03 2.38 3.19 1.29 1.34 1.44 43.4 56.1 58.1 62.3 C-DR-100 2.03 2.38 2.88 1.29 1.34 1.40 43.4 56.1 58.1 60.7 C-SC-100 2.03 2.78 3.58 1.29 1.39 1.48 43.4 56.1 60.2 64.3 注:${K_{\rm{s}}}$、${K_{\rm{d}}}$、${K_{\rm{h}}}$分别对应低约束区、中约束区、高约束区侧向约束因子;${f'_{{\rm{ccs}}}}$、${f'_{{\rm{ccd}}}}$、${f'_{{\rm{cch}}}}$分别对应低约束区、中约束区、高约束区混凝土峰值应力 表 3 计算结果与试验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison between calculated and measured results
试件名称 屈服荷载Py/kN 屈服位移Δy/mm 峰值荷载Pm/kN 峰值位移Δm/mm 极限荷载Pu/kN 极限位移Δu/mm 位移延性系数μ CC 试验值 484.8 13.0 551.0 25.3 468.3 55.4 4.3 计算值 470.8 12.7 529.0 24.4 449.7 52.7 4.1 C-C-100 试验值 517.5 14.8 591.1 23.7 502.5 58.8 4.0 计算值 502.2 14.3 564.3 27.4 479.6 49.9 3.5 C-DC-100 试验值 554.1 17.7 622.6 39.5 529.2 55.2 3.1 计算值 516.1 19.7 579.9 37.9 492.9 63.2 3.2 C-DC-HA-100 试验值 743.4 16.0 857.4 27.9 728.8 43.5 2.7 计算值 791.2 16.7 889.0 32.0 755.7 50.3 3.0 C-DC-200 试验值 576.2 11.1 651.5 29.5 553.7 40.9 3.7 计算值 507.9 14.2 568.8 27.4 483.5 35.8 2.5 C-RC-100 试验值 581.2 14.1 649.4 24.7 552.0 48.2 3.4 计算值 530.0 15.6 595.5 29.9 506.2 49.3 3.2 C-DR-100 试验值 553.2 15.1 631.2 26.4 536.6 48.2 3.2 计算值 522.9 15.6 587.5 29.9 499.4 49.0 3.1 C-SC-100 试验值 578.7 15.5 652.2 34.4 554.4 53.9 3.5 计算值 532.8 17.6 598.6 33.8 508.8 55.5 3.2 -
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