Study on the Test Scheme of Shaking Table Test for Subway Station Built in Loess Area
Abstract:For obtaining reliable results, the test scheme of shaking table test for subway station built in loess area was designed and analyzed. According to the aim and characteristic of model test, the principles of scale-model design considering the dynamic interaction between loess and structure were determined and the scale ratios of model system were deduced based on theorem of Bockingham π. The mix proportions, mechanical properties of model material and the construction technology of model structure were studied by experiments. In addition, the rules of seismic responses of model system were analyzed using finite-infinite element method and the sensors position of model test was determined to acquire the key data according to the results of numerical simulation. Then the input ground motions and loading scheme of model test were studied based on the seismic environment around Xi’an. The macroscopic seismic damages during shaking table test are similar with numerical analysis results. This paper can provide an important reference for the test design and antiseismic research of underground structures by shaking table tests.
Key words:
- Loess area /
- Ssubway station /
- Shaking table test /
- Design of scale model /
- Loading scheme /
- Numerical analysis
表 1 模型相似常数
Table 1. Similar constants of test model
性能 物理量 相似关系 相似常数 性能 物理量 相似关系 相似常数 几何特征 长度l Sl 1/30 荷载性能 集中力F SF=SσSl2 2.22×10−4 面积A SA=Sl2 1/900 线荷载q Sq=SσSl 6.67×10−3 线位移s Ss 1/30 面荷载p Sp=Sσ 1/5 角位移θ Sθ=Sσ/SE 1 力矩M SM=SσSl3 7.41×10−6 材料性能 弹性模量E SE 1/5 动力特征 时间t St=Sl0.5 Sa−0.5 0.13 应力σ Sσ=SE 1/5 频率f Sf=Sl−0.5 Sa0.5 7.75 应变ε Sε=Sσ/SE 1 速度v Sv=Sl0.5 Sa0.5 0.26 密度ρ Sρ=SE/(SlSa) 3.0 阻尼c Sc=SσSl1.5 Sa−0.5 8.61×10−4 质量m Sm=SσSl2/Sa 1.11×10−4 加速度a Sa 2.0 表 2 土样的物理指标
Table 2. Physical parameters of soil samples
重度/kN·m−3 干密度/g·cm−3 含水量/% 液限/% 塑限/% 塑性指数 黏聚力/kPa 摩擦角/° 孔隙比 16.7 1.41 22.7 34.2 20.3 13.9 29.0 21.0 0.973 表 3 黄土场地土层组成与力学参数
Table 3. Soil composition and mechanics parameters of loess site
土层名称 深度/m 特征描述 密度/kg·m−3 剪切波速/m·s−1 泊松比 黏聚力/kPa 内摩擦角φ/(º) 新黄土(Q3eol) 0~6 褐黄色,硬塑 1 960 205 0.26 27 24.5 新黄土(Q3eol) 6~13 褐黄色,硬塑 2 010 241 0.26 27 24.0 古土壤(Q3el) 13~17 红褐色,硬塑 1540 271 0.26 45 24.0 老黄土(Q2eol) 17~24 黄褐色,可塑 1670 298 0.29 35 23.0 古土壤(Q3el) 24~36 红褐色,可塑 1760 317 0.29 44 23.0 老黄土(Q2eol) 36~44 黄褐色,可塑 2060 339 0.30 36 22.5 古土壤(Q2el) 44~56 红褐色,可塑 2 000 383 0.29 44 23.0 老黄土(Q2eol) 56~64 褐黄色,可塑 1 970 434 0.31 27 23.0 老黄土(Q2eol) 64~70 褐黄色,可塑 1 980 466 0.31 27 23.0 表 4 试验加载工况
Table 4. Loading conditions for shaking table test
序号 地震动 工况 加速度峰值/g 序号 地震动 工况 加速度峰值/g 1 白噪声 B0 0.05 14 松潘波 S4 0.40 2 松潘波 S1 0.05 15 Taft波 T4 0.40 3 Taft波 T1 0.05 16 西安人工波 X4 0.40 4 西安人工波 X1 0.05 17 白噪声 B4 0.05 5 白噪声 B1 0.05 18 松潘波 S5 0.60 6 松潘波 S2 0.10 19 Taft波 T5 0.60 7 Taft波 T2 0.10 20 西安人工波 X5 0.60 8 西安人工波 X2 0.10 21 白噪声 B5 0.05 9 白噪声 B2 0.05 22 松潘波 S6 0.80 10 松潘波 S3 0.20 23 Taft波 T6 0.80 11 Taft波 T3 0.20 24 西安人工波 X6 0.80 12 西安人工波 X3 0.20 25 西安人工波 X7 1.20 13 白噪声 B3 0.05 26 白噪声 B7 0.05 -
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