Seismic Performance of the Three-layer Three-span Subway Underground Station Structure With Seismic Isolation Bearings Fixed on the Top of Columns
Abstract:According to the seismic response characteristics of the three-layer three-span frame subway underground station structure, the lead rubber seismic isolation bearings (LRB) were fixed at the different position of the top of columns, a two-dimensional finite element model for the static-dynamic coupling nonlinear interaction among the soil, the diaphragm wall and underground subway station structure was established, analyzing the influence of the position of the LRB fixed on the top of columns on the seismic response of subway station structure, such as the lateral deformation, earthquake damage, and dynamic stress response. It showes that the LRB fixed on the top of upper and lower columns, and fixed on the top of upper, middle and lower columns can effectively reduce the seismic damage of columns, thus improving the overall seismic performance of the isolation structure. However, when the LRB only fixed on the top of upper and lower columns, the seismic damage of the middle columns without the LRB would be severely aggravated. In addition, the LRB fixed on the top of columns can weaken the overall lateral resistance of the isolation structure, which slightly increased the seismic lateral response amplitude of the station structure. In general, it is recommended that the measure of setting the LRB on the top of columns in each floor to improve the overall seismic performance of the three-layer three-span subway underground station structure.
表 1 工程场地条件及其参数
Table 1. Soil conditions and physical properties of soils in site
土层编号 土性 重度/kN·m−3 弹性模量/MPa 层厚/m 动泊松比 剪切波速/m·s−1 1 素填土 18.4 3.5 3.0 0.49 200 2 软黏土 19.0 8.0 4.0 0.49 225 3 软黏土 20.5 10.0 4.5 0.49 250 4 黏土 19.4 14.5 4.0 0.49 275 5 砂土 19.4 12.0 4.0 0.49 300 6 砂土 19.4 12.0 4.0 0.49 325 7 砂土 20.9 14.5 4.0 0.49 350 8 砂土 20.9 27.7 4.0 0.49 375 9 砂土 21.2 27.8 4.0 0.49 400 10 砂土 21.2 33.0 4.0 0.49 425 11 砂土 18.9 33.0 4.0 0.49 450 12 老黏土 18.9 33.0 4.0 0.49 475 13 老黏土 18.9 35.0 4.0 0.49 490 14 老黏土 20.5 35.0 4.0 0.49 600 15 老黏土 20.5 35.0 4.0 0.49 700 16 老黏土 20.5 35.0 4.0 0.49 800 17 老黏土 20.5 40.0 4.0 0.49 900 18 老黏土 19.3 40.0 4.0 0.49 1000 19 老黏土 19.3 40.0 4.0 0.49 1000 20 老黏土 19.3 45.0 4.5 0.49 1000 表 2 铅芯橡胶隔震支座主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of lead rubber seismic isolation bearing
阻尼比/%600 251 330 3 600 2.64 1.83 3 627 17.18 -
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