• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


李小军 李娜 王巨科 朱俊 张斌

李小军,李娜,王巨科,朱俊,张斌,2021. 场地地震动水平/竖向谱比与地表/基底谱比差异及修正水平/竖向谱比法研究. 震灾防御技术,16(1):81−90. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210109. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210109
引用本文: 李小军,李娜,王巨科,朱俊,张斌,2021. 场地地震动水平/竖向谱比与地表/基底谱比差异及修正水平/竖向谱比法研究. 震灾防御技术,16(1):81−90. doi:10.11899/zzfy20210109. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210109
Li Xiaojun, Li Na, Wang Juke, Zhu Jun, Zhang Bin. Difference Between Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Surface-to-Bedrock Spectral ratio of Strong-Motion and Modified Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Method[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(1): 81-90. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210109
Citation: Li Xiaojun, Li Na, Wang Juke, Zhu Jun, Zhang Bin. Difference Between Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Surface-to-Bedrock Spectral ratio of Strong-Motion and Modified Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Method[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2021, 16(1): 81-90. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210109


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20210109
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2017YFC1500400);国家自然科学基金(U1839202)


Difference Between Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio and Surface-to-Bedrock Spectral ratio of Strong-Motion and Modified Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Method

  • 摘要: 局部场地条件是决定场地地震动强度和频谱的重要因素,基于强震动和脉动记录的统计分析,获取表征场地条件影响的特征参数已成为确定工程场地设计地震动的较经济和实用方法,特别是对于大范围或难以开展现场勘测的工程场地。利用日本KiK-net台网强震动记录计算分析了台站场地地震动水平/竖向谱比(HVSR)与地表/基底谱比(SBSR)的差异,揭示SBSR/HVSR与HVSR呈对数线性分布的统计特征,并给出其定量关系,据此提出表征场地对地震动影响的修正水平/竖向谱比法。修正水平/竖向谱比法具有仅需地表观测记录的优势,并进一步考虑了场地竖向地震效应对水平/竖向谱比法精度的影响,更能合理地表征场地对地震动的影响。
  • 图  1  同一台站不同PGA分档地震动记录HVSR、SBSR及SBSR/HVSR平均值

    Figure  1.  The average value of SBSR, HVSR and SBSR/HVSR for strong-motion records with different PGA ranges at the same station

    图  2  SBSR与HVSR的比值随周期的变化

    Figure  2.  Variation of the ratio of SBSR and HVSR with period

    图  3  SBSR/HVSR随HVSR变化分布

    Figure  3.  Variation of SBSR/HVSR with HVSR

    图  4  abT变化分布

    Figure  4.  Variation of statistical values of parameters a and b with period T

    图  5  ab模型拟合曲线

    Figure  5.  Regression curves of parameters a and b under different intensities of ground motion

    表  1  选取台站及相关信息

    Table  1.   Selected stations and related information in this study

    编号台站代码纬度N/°经度E /°钻井度/mVS,30/m·s−1美国分类场地类别日本分类场地类别
    1 AKTH02 39.6634 140.5721 100 620.404 C SCⅠ
    2 AKTH13 39.9819 140.4072 100 535.723 C SCⅠ
    3 AOMH05 40.8564 141.1033 312 238.302 D SCⅢ
    4 AOMH13 40.5794 141.4451 150 154.274 E SCⅣ
    5 AOMH16 40.4624 141.0923 150 225.750 D SCⅣ
    6 AOMH17 40.4624 141.3374 114 378.362 C SCⅡ
    7 FKSH11 37.2006 140.3386 115 239.826 D SCⅢ
    8 FKSH14 37.0264 140.9702 147 236.561 D SCⅣ
    9 FKSH20 37.4911 140.9871 109 350.000 D SCⅣ
    10 HDKH01 42.7031 142.2296 100 368.252 C SCⅡ
    11 HDKH04 42.5126 142.0381 220 235.026 D SCⅣ
    12 IBRH10 36.1112 139.9889 900 144.138 E SCⅣ
    13 IBRH13 36.7955 140.5750 100 335.369 D SCⅡ
    14 IBRH17 36.0864 140.3140 510 300.774 D SCⅣ
    15 IBUH01 42.8739 141.8191 101 306.785 D SCⅣ
    16 IWTH02 39.8250 141.3826 102 389.567 C SCⅡ
    17 IWTH06 40.2611 141.1709 100 431.655 C SCⅡ
    18 IWTH08 40.2686 141.7831 100 304.521 D SCⅢ
    19 IWTH24 39.1979 141.0118 150 486.412 C SCⅣ
    20 IWTH27 39.0307 141.532 100 670.313 C SCⅠ
    21 KMMH01 33.1090 130.695 100 574.631 C SCⅠ
    22 KSRH06 43.2200 144.4285 237 326.193 D SCⅣ
    23 KSRH07 43.1359 144.3274 222 204.104 D SCⅣ
    24 KSRH10 43.2084 145.1168 255 212.875 D SCⅣ
    25 MYGH13 38.6990 141.4180 100 570.591 C SCⅠ
    26 NIGH11 37.1728 138.7440 205 375.000 C SCⅣ
    27 NMRH04 43.3978 145.1224 216 168.103 E SCⅣ
    28 SMNH12 35.1634 132.8558 101 590.200 C SCⅠ
    29 TCGH12 36.6959 139.9842 120 343.678 D SCⅣ
    30 TKCH08 42.4865 143.1520 100 353.208 D SCⅣ
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    表  2  不同峰值加速度分组的地震动记录数量

    Table  2.   The number of strong-motion records in different PGA groups

    C AKTH02 74 54 2 0 0
    AKTH13 122 79 9 0 0
    AOMH17 299 106 9 4 0
    HDKH01 127 60 3 0 4
    IWTH02 876 667 42 11 14
    IWTH06 181 85 6 0 0
    IWTH24 185 112 10 3 2
    IWTH27 1079 504 31 8 8
    KMMH01 99 39 6 2 0
    MYGH13 675 311 13 1 2
    NIGH11 146 110 9 3 3
    SMNH12 52 52 6 4 0
    D AOMH05 417 207 15 3 0
    AOMH16 428 171 9 2 0
    FKSH11 622 285 12 2 3
    FKSH14 635 283 18 2 2
    FKSH20 393 238 21 0 2
    HDKH04 119 56 4 1 2
    IBRH13 1175 732 79 23 33
    IBRH17 796 424 21 2 3
    IBUH01 317 136 10 3 4
    IWTH08 423 182 13 0 2
    KSRH06 349 155 3 1 8
    KSRH07 286 149 8 1 4
    KSRH10 273 174 11 3 5
    TCGH12 680 338 6 0 2
    TKCH08 197 117 10 0 1
    E AOMH13 213 86 7 0 0
    IBRH10 522 248 16 2 0
    NMRH04 328 150 8 0 2
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    表  3  ab模型系数取值

    Table  3.   Coefficient values of relation of parameters a and b with period T

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