Research Progress of Seismogenic Zonation Model and Discussion on Seismogenic Zonation of Our and Nearby Sea Areas
摘要: 对于陆域地区,我国已进行5次全国范围大面积地震区划研究工作,获得了丰富研究成果。但对于海域地区地震区划的研究较薄弱,较少涉及海域潜源划分模型。随着经济发展,涉及海域地区的经济活动日益频繁,对海域地区潜源划分研究及进一步地震区划研究工作的需求越来越强烈。为此,详细介绍代表性国家在潜源划分方面采取的原则和方法,总结我国海域地区地震地质背景及相应的研究现状,并在此基础上提出我国海域地区潜源划分可考虑的原则和基本思路,为后续我国海域地区区划研究提供方案。Abstract: Currently, our China has finished 5 versions of national wide seismic zonation maps and obtained fruitful achievement. But the seismic zonation research on sea areas is very weak and little is involved in seismogenic zonation model. Along with the development of Chinese economy, economic activity in sea areas is more and more frequent, which leads increasingly strong requirement on seismogenic zonation research and further seismic zonation research. This research introduces the current principles and methods adopted by typical countries and regions in the world, such as China, America, Europe, New Zealand and Southeast Asia area, Then seismic geologic background and corresponding research situation of sea areas in China have been summarized and analyzed, and on the base of that, we further propose a considerable principle and method of sea area in China, which provides a scheme for subsequent seismic zonation research on sea area in China.
Key words:
- Seismogenic source model /
- Sea area /
- Current research situation /
- Zonation principle
图 2 美国中东部地区基于断裂的潜源分布(Petersen等,2014)
Figure 2. Potential Seismic sources distribution map on the base of faults in Middle and East America(Petersen et al,2014)
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