Characteristics and Activity of the Northern Segment of the Littoral Fault Zone at Northern Jiansu Region
Abstract:The activity of the northern segment of littoral fault zone at northern Jiangsu is still unclear and in debate. In this study, we carried out small mini-multichannel seismic survey across the northern segment of the littoral fault zone and around the adjacent sea area. There are four reflection interfaces were identified from the seismic reflection profiles. The Quaternary stratigraphy in the study area was divided into four seismic sequences corresponding to four geological periods, as Holocene, Late Pleistocene, Middle Pleistocene and Early Pleistocene. According to the regional geological structure, the fracture points F1, F2, F3, F4 and F8, F9 and F10 correspond to the northern littoral fault zone in the study are, and the latest strata of fault movements are in the Late Pleistocene. Therefore, it can be inferred that the northern segment of the littoral fault zone is of Late Pleistocene activity at Northern Jiangsu region.
Key words:
- Mini-multichannel seismic survey /
- Littoral fault zone /
- Fault activity
表 1 地层单元地质时代划分
Table 1. Seismic unit age and era division table
地层时代 地层单元 年龄范围/(ka BP) 全新世 U1 13~0 晚更新世 U2 128~13 中更新世 U3 700~128 早更新世 U4 >750 表 2 剖面识别断点
Table 2. List of profile recognition breakpoints
推测断裂 序号 所在测线 断点编号 纬度 经度 视倾角/(°) 上断点深度/m 苏北—滨海断裂 1 YC2 F8 33°39′17.283″N 120°58′13.413″E 42.50 96.2 2 YC2 F9 33°38′46.832″N 120°57′0.061″E 44.87 73.6 3 YC2 F10 33°38′37.990″N 120°56′34.094″E 43.84 98.4 4 YC5 F4 33°48′31.201″N 120°47′6.311″E 37.20 91.1 5 YC5 F3 33°50′57.200″N 120°47′53.492″E 46.54 52.1 6 YC5 F2 33°51′15.778″N 120°47′59.501″E 45.80 48.6 7 YC5 F1 33°53′05.222″N 120°48′34.727″E 36.30 92.7 盐城—南洋岸断裂 8 YC5 F7 33°41′34.151″N 120°44′45.578″E 39.45 92.4 9 YC5 F6 33°42′45.906″N 120°45′14.179″E 58.31 66.7 10 YC5 F5 33°43′30.144″N 120°45′29.170″E 49.26 72.5 -
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