Quaternary Activity Characteristics of the Coastal Fault Zone in Eastern Guangdong
摘要: 我国东南沿海滨海断裂带是1条活动强烈的地震构造带,位于珠江口盆地北缘的粤东滨海断裂带是其重要组成部分,确定该断裂带的几何展布位置与最新活动特征对科学评价华南沿海地区地震危险性、地震构造和地球动力学具有重要科学意义。通过综合分析近年来南海东北部海域地质地貌、地震反射剖面、深部探测、地震活动等方面的研究成果,总结了粤东滨海断裂带几何结构与分段活动性,研究成果已应用于粤东沿海重大工程选址和地震区划工作中。Abstract: The Coastal Fault Zone along the southeast coast of China is a strong active seismic tectonic zone, and the Coastal Fault Zone in eastern Guangdong, located in the northern margin of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, is the basin’s important components. The determination of its geometric distribution and the latest active characteristics is of great scientific significance for the correct evaluation of seismic risk, seismic tectonics and geodynamics along the coast of South China. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the research results of geological geomorphology, seismic reflection profile, deep exploration and seismicity in the northern South China Sea in recent years, combined with the characteristics of deep structure, the geometric structure and segmented activity of the coastal fault zone in eastern Guangdong are determined. The results have been applied to the coastal site selection and seismic regionalization of major projects in eastern Guangdong.
图 5 粤东滨海断裂带及地震勘探剖面位置示意图
Figure 5. Location of coastal fault zone and seismic exploration section in eastern Guangdong
表 1 珠江口盆地第四纪层序划分与地震反射界面对比表
Table 1. Quaternary sequence division and seismic reflection interface correlation in the Pearl River Mouth Basin
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