Study on High-precision Static Population Spatial Distribution in Xixia District, Yinchuan
摘要: 地震发生后,人口空间分布密度是决定救援力量部署的重要依据。然而,高精度人口空间分布数据存在获取和更新困难的问题,缺少有效的解决途径。以银川市西夏区为例,基于高空间分辨率遥感影像,通过建筑物解译与实地调查相结合的方式获取住宅建筑物信息,建立人口与住宅建筑物之间的关系模型,得到更客观真实的人口空间分布情况。研究结果表明,以高空间分辨率遥感影像解译住宅建筑物作为人口空间分布指示因子建模,得到的总体预测人口误差率为3.56%,人口平均相对误差率为9.19%,研究结果具有较高的可靠性,为震前灾害风险评估和震后灾情快速评估提供可靠的人口空间分布数据。
- 高空间分辨率遥感影像 /
- 银川市西夏区 /
- 建筑物 /
- 人口分布 /
- 评估 /
Abstract: After the earthquake, the spatial distribution density of population is an important basis for the deployment of rescue forces. However, it is difficult to obtain and update high-precision population spatial distribution data, and there is a lack of effective ways to solve this problem, which leads to a lack of reliable basis for post-earthquake research. In this paper, taking Xixia District, Yinchuan as an example, based on high spatial resolution remote sensing images, obtaining residential buildings information by combining interpretation of buildings with on-the-spot investigation, the relationship model between the census population data and the building of residential buildings is established, and the more objective and real data of the population spatial distribution is obtained. The results show that the overall prediction error rate is 3.56% and the average relative error rate is 9.19% when the residential buildings are used as the indicator factor of population spatial distribution, which demonstrates the results are reliable and this method can provide reliable data of population spatial distribution for earthquake risk assessment and rapid post-earthquake loss assessment.-
Key words:
- High-resolution remote sensing image /
- Buildings /
- Population /
- Xixia district /
- Yinchuan city /
- Assessment
表 1 模型估算误差率统计表
Table 1. The statistical table of model estimation error rate
序号 抽样点 调查人口/人 预测人口/人 误差率/% 1 澳海澜庭 6500 6290 -3.23 2 常春藤 3300 3168 -4.00 3 富明雅居 1900 2003 5.42 4 盛世宁馨嘉园 1040 930 -10.58 5 芦花洲小区 2938 2706 -7.90 6 银西社区 1066 1102 3.38 7 泾华园 1413 1743 23.35 8 泾华村惠台组 699 751 7.44 9 银北家园A区 1350 1316 -2.52 10 绿地国际花都 3100 2799 -9.71 11 西夏万达华宅 2950 2771 -6.07 12 西萃芳庭 2450 2326 -5.06 13 学知园 1480 1433 -3.18 14 怡祥小区 1400 1303 -6.93 15 共享家园 4100 3367 -17.88 16 镇北堡村 1201 1385 15.32 17 新华村1组 281 319 13.52 18 南梁社区 3039 3646 19.97 -
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