Study on Influence of Pier Parameters of T-shaped Rigid Frame Bridge on Vehicle Bridge Dynamic Response
摘要: 为研究T形刚构桥桥墩参数对车-桥动力响应的影响,以某高速铁路(77m+144m+77m)T形双薄壁连续刚构桥为研究对象,基于刚柔耦合理论,采用多体动力学和有限元联合仿真技术,建立考虑桩土效应的列车-桥梁动力相互作用模型,计算分析T形刚构桥墩宽度、厚度及混凝土强度等级变化对车-桥耦合系统的动力响应影响。结果表明:T形刚构桥墩宽度、厚度及混凝土强度等级的改变,对桥上车辆系统的安全性指标、舒适性指标影响较小;T形刚构桥墩参数改变,对桥梁系统横向位移、垂向加速度、横向加速度影响较小,而对垂向位移影响较大,但变化幅值均在高速铁路设计规范要求的范围内;在其他条件参数不变的情况下,可通过将桥墩宽度降低到设计宽度的75%—80%,或厚度降低到设计厚度的80%—85%,或桥墩混凝土强度等级降低为C35—C40对该高速铁路T形双薄壁连续刚构桥进行优化设计。Abstract: In order to study the influence of the parameter variation of the T-shaped rigid frame bridge on the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge, taking a high-speed railway (77m+144m+77m) T-shaped double thin-wall continuous rigid frame bridge as the research object, using a multi-body dynamics and finite element co-simulation technology based on rigid-flexible couping theory a vehicle-bridge dynamic interaction model considering pile-soil effect is established, and using this model to calculate and analyze the influence of the width, thickness and concrete strength grade of T-shaped rigid frame pier on the dynamic response of the vehicle-bridge coupling system. the results show: the variation of the width, thickness and concrete strength grade of the T-shaped rigid frame pier has little effect on the safety index and comfort index of the vehicle system on the bridge; parameters of the T-shaped rigid frame piers have little influence on the lateral displacement, vertical acceleration and lateral acceleration of the bridge system, and have a great influence on the vertical displacement, but the variation amplitude is within the requirements of the code for design of high speed railway; For the high-speed railway (77m+144m+77m) T-shaped double thin-wall continuous rigid frame bridge, under the condition that other conditions are unchanged, the optimum design can be made to reduce the pier width to 75-80% of the designed width, or to reduce the thickness to 80-85% of the designed thickness, or to reduce the strength class of pier concrete to C35-C40.
表 1 车辆自由度列表
Table 1. The degree of freedom of vehicle
自由度 侧滚 点头 摇头 伸缩 横移 沉浮 车体 ${\theta _c}$ ${\phi _c}$ ${\psi _c}$ ${x_c}$ ${y_c}$ ${z_c}$ 构架(i=1—2) ${\theta _{fi}}$ ${\phi _{fi}}$ ${\psi _{fi}}$ ${x_{fi}}$ ${y_{fi}}$ ${z_{fi}}$ 轮对(i=1—4) ${\theta _{wi}}$ ${\phi _{wi}}$ ${\psi _{wi}}$ ${x_{wi}}$ ${y_{wi}}$ ${z_{wi}}$ 轴箱(i=1—8) — ${\phi _{ai}}$ — — — — 表 2 桩基布置
Table 2. The arrangement of pile foundation
墩号 纵桥向桩间距/m 横桥向桩间距/m 根数/根 桩径/m 桩长/m 1 3.00 4.00 15 1.5 30.5 2 5.25 5.25 16 2.0 32.0 3 5.25 5.25 16 2.0 31.0 4 3.00 3.50 13 1.5 25.0 表 3 车辆动力学参数表
Table 3. The degree of freedom of vehicle
名称 数值 单位 动车 拖车 车体质量 38.88 33.76 t 车体侧滚转动惯量 120.9 110.1 t·m2 车体点头转动惯量 1900.2 1624.5 t·m2 车体摇头转动惯量 1801.5 1562.3 t·m2 构架质量 1558 3289 kg 构架侧滚转动惯量 1112 1453 kg·m2 构架点头转动惯量 801 2010 kg·m2 构架摇头转动惯量 1789 3332 kg·m2 轮对质量 1500 1608 kg 轮对侧滚转动惯量 702 832 kg·m2 轮对点头转动惯量 121 130 kg·m2 轮对摇头转动惯量 702 832 kg·m2 轴箱质量 84 84 kg 轴箱侧滚转动惯量 1.29 1.29 kg·m2 轴箱点头转动惯量 4.63 4.63 kg·m2 轴箱摇头转动惯量 5.92 5.92 kg·m2 表 4 墩低基础刚度
Table 4. The rigidity of pier bottom foundation
墩号 刚度类别 刚度值 单位 左边1号墩 纵向线刚度 2.474E+09 N/m 横向线刚度 2.111E+09 N/m 竖向线刚度 2.274E+11 N/m 横向转动刚度 7.314E+12 N·m/rad 纵向转动刚度 3.829E+12 N·m/rad T构2号墩 纵向线刚度 5.377E+09 N/m 横向线刚度 5.377E+09 N/m 竖向线刚度 1.412E+12 N/m 横向转动刚度 4.876E+13 N·m/rad 纵向转动刚度 4.876E+13 N·m/rad T构3号墩 纵向线刚度 5.377E+09 N/m 横向线刚度 5.377E+09 N/m 竖向线刚度 2.516E+12 N/m 横向转动刚度 8.681E+13 N·m/rad 纵向转动刚度 8.681E+13 N·m/rad 右边4号墩 纵向线刚度 1.721E+09 N/m 横向线刚度 1.943E+09 N/m 竖向线刚度 4.868E+09 N/m 横向转动刚度 1.606E+11 N·m/rad 纵向转动刚度 1.075E+11 N·m/rad -
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