Basin Extra Amplification Effects from Seismic Ground-Motion Residual Analysis: A Case Study of Kanto Basin, Japan
摘要: 我国地震动预测及地震危险性分析通常仅考虑局部场地浅层岩土层对地震动的放大效应,不能考虑较大范围的地质条件影响,如沉积盆地厚沉积层对地震动的附加放大效应通常被忽略,造成盆地内地震动及地震危险性预测结果普遍被低估。本文以地震动观测记录数据充足的日本关东盆地为例,采用地震动残差分析方法评估盆地附加放大效应,分析覆盖层厚度、盆地内空间位置、震级、震源距对地震动放大效应的影响,建立关东盆地附加放大效应经验评估模型。分析表明:关东盆地附加放大效应与反应谱周期相关,整体上从短周期的1.0逐渐增大至周期为5s时的1.5,附加放大效应与覆盖层厚度相关性较小,主要受盆地空间位置和震源距的影响;盆地北部边缘及西北部地区附加放大效应更强烈,盆地南部附加放大效应较小,这可能与盆地边缘效应密切相关。本文建立的关东盆地附加放大效应经验模型略高于BSSA14和ASK14模型的放大效应预测。相关研究结果可用于我国地震动预测、下一代地震动区划图修订等。Abstract: The ground motion prediction equations of China does not take the basin effects into account, resulting in the apparent underestimations for predicted ground motions and seismic hazards in the basin. The enhanced ground motions due to the thick sedimentary in basin amplifies the earthquake damages on engineering structures located in the basin. To evaluate the extra amplification effects in Kanto Basin, Japan, the residual analysis method of ground motion was applied to calculate the extra amplification effects in Kanto Basin. The factors, including potential influences of sediment thickness, spatial location in the basin, seismic magnitude and hypocentral distance were discussed. The result indicates that, the extra amplification effect is correlated with the spectral period, which gradually increases from 1.0 at short period to 1.5 at spectral period of 5s. The extra amplification effects are independent with the sediment thickness, while dependent on the hypocentral distance and spatial location. The north and northwest margins in the basin experienced much stronger amplification effects, being relatively smaller in the south Kanto Basin. Based on the extra amplifications at these stations, we developed the empirical model applied in the Kanto Basin. Compared with the BSSA14 and ASK14 models of NGA-West2, our model provided stronger predictions. This model could be used to revise Chinese ground motion prediction equations for the next generation of zoning map.
Key words:
- Ground motion /
- Residual analysis /
- Kanto basin /
- Basin extra amplification effect /
- Empirical mode
表 1 基础经验模型的拟合系数
Table 1. Fitness coefficients of empirical basic model
值 系数 C T1 T2 n1 n2 - 0.08750 1.6209 7.3731 0.7381 1.7743 表 2 震源距调整基础模型的拟合系数
Table 2. Fitness coefficients of adjusted model scaling with hypocentral distance
震源距/km 系数 Di T3i n3i 0<Rhyp≤100 0.3511 0.9702 -0.2742 100<Rhyp≤200 -0.1264 1.5950 0.1258 200<Rhyp≤300 -0.6790 1.3022 0.6643 -
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