Calculation of Configuration Coefficient in the Vertical Geo-resistivity Observation——Taking the Jiangning Seismic Station as an Example
摘要: 井下地电阻率观测装置系数与电流的空间分布及电极位置有关,应针对不同的观测装置进行计算。本文以江苏省江宁地震台垂向观测为例,利用传统垂直观测装置系数方法、全空间及不完全全空间方式计算装置系数,比较不同装置系数对垂向观测的影响。研究结果表明,采用不完全全空间并考虑井距的装置系数计算方法适合江宁地震台垂向观测。Abstract: Since the configuration coefficient in the deep-well geo-electrical resistivity observation is associated with distribution of electric current and the positions of electrodes in the four-electrode geo-electrical observation device. In this paper, taking the Jiangning seismic station as an example, the configuration coefficient of vertical geo-resistivity observation in Jiangning seismic station is calculated by half-space model, full-space model and non-full-space model method, and the influence of different configuration coefficients on vertical observation are compared. Results show that the calculation for the configuration coefficient using non-full-space model method and considering the horizontal distance of boreholes is in accordance with the vertical observation at Jiangning Station.
表 1 江宁台场地电性层参数
Table 1. The underground electrical structure of Jiangning geoelectric station
NW—SE测线 NS测线 层厚/m 电阻率/Ω·m 层厚/m 电阻率/Ω·m 29.40 39.29 24.56 18.71 220.94 143.06 203.42 274.52 ∞ 60.39 ∞ 54.79 表 2 江宁台垂向观测的装置系数
Table 2. The configuration coefficient of vertical geo-resistivity observation in Jiangning earthquake station
计算方法 AM/m AN/m B1M/m B1N/m A1M/m A1N/m 装置系数K Ⅰ 75.000 125.000 675.000 725.000 — — 790.000 Ⅱ 75.000 125.000 — — — — 1178.000 Ⅲ 75.000 125.000 675.000 725.000 475.000 525.000 1167.000 Ⅳ 75.000 125.374 675.020 725.000 475.000 525.292 1162.000 -
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