Remote Monitoring System of Intensity Meter Station
摘要: 烈度计台站在地震预警中具有重要作用,对烈度计台站的远程监控是保证观测数据稳定可靠的前提。针对现有监控系统无法对台站供电、网络、设备状态等信息进行智能监控的问题,设计烈度计台站远程监控系统,实现对台站供电、网络、I/O开关量、烈度计状态等信息的采集及远程控制等功能,并在天津烈度计台网进行部署,提高了故障排查及维护效率,保证了烈度计台站数据的连续率。Abstract: Seismic intensity meter station plays an important role in earthquake early warning, The remote monitoring of the Seismic intensity meter station is the precondition to ensure the stability and reliability of its observation data. The existing monitoring system mainly realizes the monitoring of data flow, and the intelligent monitoring of information such as power supply, network and equipment status of Seismic intensity meter stations can not be achieved. To solve the above problem, a remote monitoring system of Seismic intensity meter station is designed with the functions of collecting information of power supply, network, IO switching value, Seismic intensity meter status, and remote conrol. The system has been deployed in Tianjin Seismic Network. It improves the efficiency of fault detection and maintenance, and ensures the continuity rate of intensity meter station data.
Key words:
- Seismic intensity meter station /
- Condition monitoring /
- Remote control
表 1 监控平台各模块功能
Table 1. Functions of monitoring platform modules
模块 功能 用户模块 存储用户的基本信息,按登录用户信息显示不同的平台信息 设备模块 对上行数据进行分类,将数据与设备对应,对设备基本信息进行查询与维护 应用模块 作为设备与解析器的依托,控制设备离线监测、数据解析、设备报警等功能是否开启 解析器模块 将所有上行数据解析后展现在监控平台的大数据界面上 -
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