Research on Public Service of Earthquake Information on the Media Convergence
摘要: 地震信息传播已进入实时、全面、多维的公共服务时代,单一媒体地震信息服务已无法满足政府、社会公众和地震行业需求,地震信息向融媒体公共服务模式发展。本文对地震信息内容服务需求及特点、地震媒体平台功能特色、融合式媒体信息服务模式等进行分析,对地震信息融媒体公共服务进行研究,旨在提高地震信息服务效率与用户满意度,促进地震信息化建设科学、健康发展。Abstract: Earthquake information dissemination has entered the era of real-time, comprehensive and multi-dimen-sional public service. Single media earthquake information service has been unable to meet the needs of the government, the public and the earthquake industry. Earthquake information has developed into a public service mode of integrated media. This paper analyzes the requirements and characteristics of earthquake information content service, the functional characteristics of earthquake media platform, and the integrated media information service mode, and studies how the earthquake information data resources meet the requirements of the public service of the integrated media, so as to improve the efficiency of earthquake information service and user satisfaction, and promote the scientific and healthy development of earthquake information construction.
Key words:
- Earthquake information /
- Media convergence /
- Public service
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