Effectiveness Analysis of Earthquake Early Warning System in Zhenjiang
摘要: 2015年镇江市建成地震预警系统,但自该系统建成后,镇江地区未发生过中强震,使用方对该系统的实际应用效果不明确。地震部门对预警终端的增补也缺少相应的依据。通过计算台点间距及预警盲区的相互关系,认为目前该系统的布点是合理的。根据地震动峰值加速度和地震烈度衰减关系,镇江地区不同地点布设的地震预警终端最多可在地震动到来前2.5—13.1s发出有效预警信号。地震预警系统对本地区Ms5.0级以上的地震有效,对Ms6.0级以上地震效果更好。Abstract: In 2015, The earthquake early warning system was completed in Zhenjiang. But since the system was built, no moderate-strong earthquake have occurred in Zhenjiang area, so the users are not clear about the actual application effect of the system and there is no corresponding basis for the addition of early warning terminal for earthquake departments. By calculating the interrelation between station density and warning blind area, it is concluded that the system is reasonable at present. Based on the attenuation laws of PGA and Seismic Intensity, it is caculated that the earthquake early warning terminals in different areas can send out effective warning signals up to 2.5-13.1 seconds before the ground motion. The earthquake early warning system is effective for earthquakes above Ms5.0 in Zhenjiang, and better for earthquakes above Ms6.0.
Key words:
- Earthquake early warning /
- Effective warning time /
- Seismic intensity
表 1 各地震预警终端有效预警时间
Table 1. Effective earthquake early warning time of the earthquake early warning terminals
预警终端 Δsta3/km Δepi/km Tmea-Ms5.0/s Tmea-Ms5.5/s Tmea-Ms6.0/s 镇江市地震台 17.3 49.2 2.5 4.5 4.5 镇江实验学校万科魅力之城分校 17.3 53.5 2.5 5.7 5.7 江滨实验小学 17.3 57.8 2.5 7.7 6.9 辛丰小学 17.3 55.8 2.5 6.3 6.3 丹阳华南实验学校 17.3 46.8 2.5 3.9 3.9 扬中市外国语小学 17.3 80.8 2.5 7.7 13.1 句容实验小学 16.0 61.8 2.5 7.7 8.1 镇江新区实验小学 17.3 68.7 2.5 7.7 9.8 -
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