Analysis of Earthquake Damage From a New Perspective: A Case Study of Changning M6.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province
摘要: 四川长宁6.0级地震发生后,作者第一时间前往地震现场,获得第一手震害资料。基于“散、脆、偏、单”评估法,对当地建筑物震害特点和成灾机理进行深入剖析,并提出整治措施。实际震害显示,当前我国城乡建筑亟待解决的问题是“散”和“脆”;学校建筑和底商结构在此次地震中仍表现出诸多抗震不利问题,集中体现在因填充墙布置不合理导致的“偏”;高层建筑主体结构虽在地震后保存完好,但填充墙破坏较重,修缮费用较高。震害调查结果警醒行业人员需围绕实际震害特点精准发力,优化结构概念设计,全面提升抗震能力,推动韧性城乡建设。Abstract: After the Changning M6.0 earthquake in Sichuan Province, a large number of seismic data were obtained as soon as possible. This paper analysed the earthquake damage characteristics and disaster mechanism of local buildings based on "loose, brittle, eccentric and isolated" method and the treatment measures were put forward. The results show that the pressing problem of buildings in urban and rural is "loose" and "brittle". The school buildings and the multi-storey masonry structures with first storey used as shops still shows a lot of unfavorable seismic problems in this earthquake, which are mainly led by "eccentric" caused by the unreasonable layout of the infilled walls. Although the main structures of the high-rise buildings are well-preserved after the earthquake, the infilled walls are damaged and the costs for repairing are high. The earthquake damage investigation warn us to pay more attention to the characteristics of actual earthquake damage, optimize the conceptual design of structures, improve the seismic capacity, and promote the construction of resilience urban and rural areas.
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