• ISSN 1673-5722
  • CN 11-5429/P


王波 郭迅 宣越

王波, 郭迅, 宣越. 基于新视角的震害分析——以四川长宁6.0级地震为例[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2020, 15(3): 496-509. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20200303
引用本文: 王波, 郭迅, 宣越. 基于新视角的震害分析——以四川长宁6.0级地震为例[J]. 震灾防御技术, 2020, 15(3): 496-509. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20200303
Wang Bo, Guo Xun, Xuan Yue. Analysis of Earthquake Damage From a New Perspective: A Case Study of Changning M6.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2020, 15(3): 496-509. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20200303
Citation: Wang Bo, Guo Xun, Xuan Yue. Analysis of Earthquake Damage From a New Perspective: A Case Study of Changning M6.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province[J]. Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention, 2020, 15(3): 496-509. doi: 10.11899/zzfy20200303


doi: 10.11899/zzfy20200303

国家重点研发计划项目 2018YFC1504302-3

国家重点研发计划项目 2016YFE0205100

国家自然科学基金面上项目 51478117

中央高校基本科研业务费专项 ZY20160107


    王波, 男, 生于1989年。博士, 讲师。主要从事结构地震倒塌机理研究。E-mail:wangbo0808@126.com


    郭迅, 男, 生于1967年。研究员, 博士生导师。主要从事结构抗震和结构损伤诊断研究。E-mail:guoxun@iem.ac.cn

Analysis of Earthquake Damage From a New Perspective: A Case Study of Changning M6.0 Earthquake in Sichuan Province

  • 摘要: 四川长宁6.0级地震发生后,作者第一时间前往地震现场,获得第一手震害资料。基于“散、脆、偏、单”评估法,对当地建筑物震害特点和成灾机理进行深入剖析,并提出整治措施。实际震害显示,当前我国城乡建筑亟待解决的问题是“散”和“脆”;学校建筑和底商结构在此次地震中仍表现出诸多抗震不利问题,集中体现在因填充墙布置不合理导致的“偏”;高层建筑主体结构虽在地震后保存完好,但填充墙破坏较重,修缮费用较高。震害调查结果警醒行业人员需围绕实际震害特点精准发力,优化结构概念设计,全面提升抗震能力,推动韧性城乡建设。
  • 图  1  长宁6.0级地震烈度图(四川省地震局)

    Figure  1.  Intensity map of Changning Earthquake (Sichuan Earthquake Administration)

    图  2  珙县地震台获得的强震记录

    Figure  2.  Strong earthquakes records at Gongxian seismic station

    图  3  无构造柱的长围墙倒塌

    Figure  3.  The collapse of long wall without constructional columns collapsed

    图  4  未设置圈梁的房屋楼板塌落

    Figure  4.  The collapse of roof without ring beam collapsed

    图  5  纵、横墙连接薄弱

    Figure  5.  The weak connection of the longitudinal and lateral walls

    图  6  无抗震设计的民居倒塌

    Figure  6.  The collapse of house without seismic design collapsed

    图  7  窗洞处墙体开裂

    Figure  7.  Crack in the wall of the window hole

    图  8  窗间墙X形裂缝

    Figure  8.  X-shaped crack on the wall between windows

    图  9  墙体严重开裂

    Figure  9.  Serious crack of walls

    图  10  开洞墙体破坏严重

    Figure  10.  Serious damage of the holed walls

    图  11  框架结构填充墙外闪坠落

    Figure  11.  The fall of infilled walls of frame structures fell down

    图  12  圆弧形填充墙开裂坠落

    Figure  12.  The fall of circular infilled walls fell down

    图  13  古建筑飞檐折断坠落

    Figure  13.  The break and fall of eaves of ancient buildings broke and fell down

    图  14  建筑物局部砌筑质量差

    Figure  14.  Poor masonry quality of buildings

    图  15  玻璃闪落

    Figure  15.  The fall of window glasses fell down

    图  16  办公室吊顶坠落

    Figure  16.  The fall of ceiling of offices fell down

    图  17  因设置“高窗”形成“短柱”破坏

    Figure  17.  "Short column" damage caused by "high windows"

    图  18  门窗洞口处“短柱”破坏

    Figure  18.  "Short column" damage at door and window openings

    图  19  承重墙使用泥结灰砂砖

    Figure  19.  Brittle walls made by local brick

    图  20  弱节点,强构件

    Figure  20.  Weak joints and strong components

    图  21  构件呈现“弱剪强弯”

    Figure  21.  Weak shear capacity and strong bending capacity of components

    图  22  墙体外抹灰层延性不足

    Figure  22.  Poor ductility of wall plastering

    图  23  底商房屋震害严重

    Figure  23.  Serious earthquake damage of shops

    图  24  双河中学教学楼震害严重

    Figure  24.  Serious earthquake damage of the teaching building of Shuanghe middle school

    图  25  长廊柱震害较重

    Figure  25.  Serious earthquake damage of the columns of long corridor

    图  26  角柱震害严重

    Figure  26.  Serious earthquake damage of the corner columns

    图  27  崩塌落石对建筑物造成破坏

    Figure  27.  Damage of buildings caused by rockfall

    图  28  地基不均匀沉降

    Figure  28.  Uneven settlement of foundation

    图  29  砂土液化

    Figure  29.  Sand liquefaction

    图  30  高层建筑填充墙受损严重

    Figure  30.  Serious damage of the infilled walls of high-rise buildings

    图  31  设置完善的圈梁、构造柱

    Figure  31.  A building with ring beams and constructional columns

    图  32  外走廊式框架结构教学楼填充墙震害较重

    Figure  32.  Serious damage of the infilled walls of the teaching building with eccentrically placed open corridor

    图  33  内走廊框架结构教学楼轻微损伤

    Figure  33.  Slight damage of the teaching building with inner corridor

    图  34  外走廊框架结构教学楼轻微损伤

    Figure  34.  Slight damage of the teaching building with eccentrically placed open corridor

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-08
  • 刊出日期:  2020-09-01


