Design and Implementation of Earthquake Disaster Risk Assessment System for County
摘要: 地震灾害风险评估工作的开展是践行新时期防震减灾工作的必然要求,是了解抗震薄弱环节和高风险地区的有效手段。本文针对现有地震灾害风险评估系统在市县层级应用薄弱、针对性不强、基本未考虑地质灾害的影响等问题,在分析总结最新研究成果的基础上,以宝兴县为例,设计并构建操作方便简单、针对性强的地震灾害风险评估系统。为地方政府地震灾害风险管理、防御和风险处置等提供方法和方案,切实提高地震灾害风险防御能力,有效降低地震灾害损失。Abstract: The development of earthquake disaster risk assessment is an inevitable requirement for the practice of earthquake prevention and mitigation in the new era, and is an effective means to understand the weak links and high-risk areas of earthquake resistance. Based on the problems of weak application, weak pertinence and little consideration of the impact of geological hazards in the existing seismic hazard risk assessment system at county and city levels, this paper designs and constructs a simple and targeted seismic hazard risk assessment system for county and city based on the analysis and summary of the latest research results and taking Baoxing County as an example. Provide methods and programs for local governments in earthquake disaster risk management, earthquake disaster prevention and risk disposal countermeasures, effectively improve the ability of earthquake disaster risk prevention and control, and effectively reduce earthquake disaster losses.
Key words:
- Earthquake disaster /
- Risk assessment /
- Seismic geology /
- Earthquake disaster prevention
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