Design and Implementation of Internet + Community Earthquake Emergency Tabletop Exercises——A Case Study of Haixi Prefecture in Qinghai Province
摘要: 地震灾害应对实践表明,社区作为社会治理的基本单元,在抢救生命、安置群众生活等方面发挥着重要作用。应急演练是有效提升民众防灾减灾意识和社区应对灾害能力的重要途径。近年来,社区开展了不同程度的地震应急演练,但在专业性和实效性方面仍存在很大提升空间。本文基于互联网+应急演练理念,提出基于互联网云服务的分布式、多社区、不限人数、同步或异步开展的应急桌面演练新模式,并在青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州进行了试点应用。实践表明,互联网+社区地震应急桌面演练融合了传统桌面演练与实战演练的优势,可针对社区管理层开展地震灾害全过程桌面推演,能有效促进社区管理层应急组织协调能力的提升。Abstract: The practice of earthquake disasters emergency response shows that the community, as the basic unit of social governance, plays an important role in saving lives and resettling people. Emergency exercise is an very important way to raise people's awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and improve their ability to respond to disasters effectively. In recent years, the community has carried out various levels of earthquake emergency exercises, but there is still much room for improvement in terms of professionalism and effectiveness. Based on the advanced Internet + emergency exercise concept, this paper proposes a new model of emergency tabletop exercise based on distributed, multi-community, unlimited number of people, synchronous or asynchronous based on Internet cloud services, and demonstrated in Haixi prefecture, Qinghai Province. Application practice has shown that the Internet + community earthquake emergency exercise combines the advantages of traditional desktop exercises and practical drills, and can be used for community development to carry out tabletop deductions of the whole process of earthquake disasters, which can effectively promote the improvement of emergency management coordination ability of community management officers.
Key words:
- Emergency response /
- Tabletop exercise /
- Community /
- Internet +
表 1 海西州社区地震应急桌面演练评估记录(部分)
Table 1. Evaluation list of the tabletop exercise in haixi prefecture (Partial)
序号 事件标题 事件内容 应对措施 评估结果 1 地震发生 地震发生 及时联系受困人员,进行评估,并上报请求支援,同时进行自救 合格 2 地震造成破坏 某年某月某日,某市发生强烈地震,某社区震感强烈,居民纷纷离开居民楼避震,在社区广场、公园等处聚集,有居民报告人员避震过程中被砸伤。社区部分居民楼等建筑出现不同程度的破坏,有建筑物构件、震碎的玻璃掉落,并发生砸坏车辆、砸伤人员的现象。地震发生在夏天,天气炎热 组织自救互救,保持正常秩序,了解伤亡情况,第一时间上报 优秀 3 楼梯间门扇卡死 有居民报告某栋楼楼梯间门框变形,门扇卡死无法打开,居民无法从楼梯间撤离,亟需帮助 对情况进行评估,同时上报进行救援,了解情况先组织自救 优秀 4 社区居民恐慌 在社区避难场所聚集的居民数量逐渐增加,由于天气炎热,部分老人、孩子出现身体不适,民众情绪出现波动,现场秩序面临失控 及时疏导,做好心理安慰,及时供给饮用水 优秀 -
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