Study on the Impact of Earthquake Disaster on Tourism——Take Sichuan Earthquake Disaster As an Example
摘要: 为探究地震灾害对旅游业造成的影响,以四川省为研究区,2008年汶川地震灾害为典型案例,收集案例年地震灾害数据与旅游相关数据,选取旅游经济、游客、旅游服务、旅游交通及旅游组织为指标,利用熵组合权重法、加权综合评价法构建四川省地震灾害对旅游业影响评价模型,对研究区所受影响进行评价与区划。结果显示,地震灾害对旅游业造成的影响与地震烈度有直接关系,越靠近地震中心的区域所受影响程度越大,反之越小;旅游经济与旅游服务所受影响最大,旅游组织与游客所受影响次之,旅游交通所受影响最小。研究结果可为旅游业防灾减灾管理提供参考。Abstract: To explore the effects of earthquake disasters for tourism, using Sichuan province as the research area, regarding wenchuan earthquake disaster in 2008 years as the typical case, the earthquake disaster data related to tourism, is gathered, choosing tourism economy, tourists, tourism services, tourism traffic and tourism organization as an index, using the entropy weight method, weighted comprehensive evaluation method, the comprehensive building the appraisal model of earthquake disaster influence on tourism in Sichuan province is established, which is applied to the earthquake disaster in the studied area of tourism impact assessment and zoning. The results show that:the impact of earthquake disaster on tourism is directly related to the earthquake intensity. The closer the region is to the earthquake center, the more the tourism is affected, and vice versa.As a result, the tourism economy and tourism service are affected the most, the tourism organization and the number of tourists the second. Tourism traffic is least affected.The results can provide reference for disaster prevention and reduction management of tourism industry.
Key words:
- Natural disasters /
- The tourism industry /
- Earthquake disaster
表 1 地震灾害对旅游业影响评价指标体系及权重
Table 1. The index system and weight of the impact assessment of natural disasters on tourism industry
目标层 一级指标 序号 二级指标 综合权重 地震灾害对旅游业影响评价 地震烈度(y1)
(权重0.218)x1 地震烈度(等级) 0.085 旅游经济(y2)
(权重0.192)x2 灾前与灾后旅游收入比/% 0.058 游客(y3)
(权重0.171)x3 灾前与灾后游客数量比/% 0.064 x4 伤亡人数/万人 0.066 旅游服务(y4)
(权重0.156)x5 餐饮业损毁率/% 0.076 x6 酒店损毁率/% 0.067 x7 景点损毁率/% 0.062 x8 景区基础设施损毁率/% 0.069 旅游组织(y5)
(权重0.142)x9 旅游公司损毁率/% 0.064 x10 旅行社损毁率/% 0.088 x11 旅游集散中心损毁率/% 0.065 旅游交通(y6)
(权重0.121)x12 道路损毁长度/km 0.069 x13 基础设施损毁率/% 0.068 表 2 地震灾害对旅游业影响评价综合指数
Table 2. The comprehensive index of impact of earthquake disasters on tourism industry
市(州)名称 影响评价值(TIA) 达州市 0.0198 乐山市 0.0770 宜宾市 0.0450 广安市 0.0595 遂宁市 0.0598 眉山市 0.0773 攀枝花市 0.0223 资阳市 0.0780 内江市 0.0595 自贡市 0.0406 泸州市 0.0129 德阳市 0.0964 成都市 0.0786 雅安市 0.0980 凉山彝族自治州 0.0510 南充市 0.0595 巴中市 0.0235 广元市 0.0622 绵阳市 0.0850 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 0.0790 甘孜藏族自治州 0.0650 表 3 地震灾害对旅游业影响程度区划界限阈值
Table 3. The threshold of the influence degree of earthquake disaster on tourism industry
影响评价值(TIA) 影响程度 ≤0.0230 低影响 ≤0.0450 较低影响 ≤0.0595 中影响 ≤0.0743 较高影响 ≤0.0980 高影响 -