Study on Seismic Hazard in Earthquake-prone Areas of Liaoning Province
摘要: 盘锦、海城、营口地区是辽宁省内地震活动性最强、地震危险性最高的地区。该地区开展了大量重点工程地震安全性评价、区域性地震区划和地震小区划工作,但尚未开展基于场地条件的区域尺度地震危险性研究。独有的沉积特点使该地区场地条件较复杂,因此在地震危险性概率分析中考虑场地条件是必要的。本文基于新一代中国地震动参数区划图基本原理和技术原则,结合盘锦、海城、营口地区场地条件特征,采用基于地形坡度的方法对场地条件进行分类,确定场地地震动影响系数,给出该地区基于区域场地条件的地震危险性分布,相关研究结果可为地震风险评估和防震减灾规划提供参考。Abstract: Panjin-HaiCheng-YingKou area (hereinafter referred to as P.H.Y. area) are the areas with the strongest seismic activity and the highest seismic hazard in Liaoning Province. A lot of seismic hazard assessments were carried out in the area, such as seismic hazard assessment of major projects and seismic zonation of special regions. However, a relatively accurate probabilistic seismic hazard analysis based on site conditions has not been carried out on large scale. Due to its unique sedimentary characteristics, the site condition in P.H.Y. area is complicate. It is necessary to consider site conditions in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis to get a site-related ground motion distribution. In this paper, the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was carried out in P.H.Y. area, considering the regional character of the site condition from the DEM data. The results of this work can provide reference for seismic risk assessment and earthquake disaster prevention.
Key words:
- Site category /
- Site effect /
- Seismic hazard /
- Panjin-HaiCheng-YingKou area
表 1 盘海营地区中国场地分类、VS30和DEM地形坡度之间的关系
Table 1. The relationship between site classification in P.H.Y. area, VS30 and DEM terrain slope
项目 场地类别 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ VS20范围/m·s-1 > 500 250—500 150—250 < 150 VS30范围/m·s-1 > 536 275—536 171—275 < 171 坡度范围/m·m-1 > 3.866 0.420—3.866 0.016—0.420 < 0.016 表 2 盘海营地区基于基岩场地的修正场地影响系数
Table 2. Modified site influence coefficient based on bedrock site in P.H.Y. area
场地类别 基岩场地地震动峰值加速度/g ≤0.040 0.082 0.125 0.170 0.285 ≥0.400 Ⅰ0 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Ⅱ 1.35 1.22 1.20 1.18 1.15 1.00 Ⅲ 1.63 1.53 1.38 1.25 1.18 1.00 Ⅳ 1.56 1.46 1.33 1.18 1.00 0.90 表 3 盘海营地区不同场地类别修正特征周期(单位:s)
Table 3. Modified characteristic period for different site categories in P.H.Y. area(unit: s)
地震作用级别 场地类别 Ⅰ0 Ⅰ1 Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ 多遇(年超越概率0.0197) 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.55 0.75 基本(年超越概率0.0021) 0.30 0.35 0.45 0.60 0.80 罕遇(年超越概率0.0004) 0.35 0.40 0.55 0.70 0.90 -
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