Damaged Deformation Status and Seismic Performance Analysis of Guanghua Building in Jiayuguan
摘要: 中国木结构建筑是我国宝贵的物质文化遗产和文化瑰宝,具有悠久的文化历史。以嘉峪关光化楼为依托,对光化楼进行实地调研,分析光化楼主要残损变形。采用ANSYS软件建立考虑光化楼残损变形的三维有限元精细模型,并进行模态分析与时程分析。研究结果表明,光化楼主要残损变形为油饰脱落、墙体剥蚀开裂、柱偏移等,极个别柱产生较大偏移;光化楼刚度相对稳定,前20阶振型自振频率均在10Hz以内;光化楼动力放大系数与层间位移角均较小,仍具有良好的抗震减震性能。Abstract: China's wooden structure is a precious material cultural heritage and cultural treasure in China with a long cultural history. Based on the Jiayuguan Guanghua Building, Which is an ancient wooden structure that was built more than 500 years ago, this paper conducts a field survey of the Guanghua Building and judges the main damage and deformation of the Guanghua Building. Based on the damage and deformation of Guanghua Building, a three-dimensional finite element fine model considering the damage and deformation of Guanghua Building was established using ANSYS software, and modal analysis and time history analysis were performed. The following conclusions were obtained:The main damage deformations are oil decoration peeling off, wall peeling and cracking, and column displacement, among which very few columns have a large deviation; the stiffness of Guanghua Building is relatively stable, and the natural frequencies of the first 20 modes are within 10Hz; both the building's dynamic amplification factor and the floor-to-floor displacement angle are low, which proves Guanghua Building still has good anti-seismic performance.
Key words:
- Guanghua building /
- Damage and deformation /
- Modal analysis /
- Time history analysis
表 1 1层檐柱柱网偏移情况
Table 1. The first-floor offset of Guanghua building's pillar network
位置 偏移方向 偏移距离/mm 1层①/Ⓐ 南偏东65° 18 1层③/Ⓐ 北偏东89° 40 1层④/Ⓐ 南偏东34° 39 1层⑤/Ⓐ 北偏西3° 17 1层⑥/Ⓐ 北偏西15° 11 1层⑧/Ⓐ 南偏西27° 11 1层⑧/Ⓒ 北偏东44° 22 1层⑧/Ⓓ 北偏东47° 50 1层⑧/Ⓔ 北偏东56° 54 1层⑧/Ⓖ 南偏东43° 43 1层⑥/Ⓖ 北偏东58° 38 1层⑤/Ⓖ 北偏东62° 9 1层④/Ⓖ 北偏西55° 19 1层③Ⓖ 北偏东86° 21 1层①/Ⓖ 北偏东51° 82 1层①/Ⓔ 南偏西65° 15 1层①/Ⓓ 北偏西24° 23 1层①/Ⓒ 北偏东80° 16 表 2 红松塑性力学参数(MPa)
Table 2. Plastic mechanical parameters of red pine(MPa)
方向 ${\sigma _{yield}}$ 方向 ${\tau _{yield}}$ L 52.4 LR 8.3 R 4.4 LT 2.0 T 4.4 RT 8.3 表 3 砖砌体墙材料力学参数
Table 3. Mechanical parameters of brick wall material
密度/kg·m-3 弹性模量/MPa μ 抗压强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 1900 1600 0.15 2.7 0.27 表 4 榫卯、斗栱节点刚度设置Table 4 Tenon and Bucket arch joint stiffness
节点类型 kx/kN·m-1 ky/kN·m-1 kz/kN·m-1 kθ/kN·m·rad-1 斗栱 2197.3 2197.3 127950 296.71 柱-梁 1.26×109 1.26×109 1.41×109 7362 柱-枋 1.41×109 1.41×109 1.41×109 7362 表 5 不同地震波作用下各层加速度响应峰值及动力放大系数
Table 5. Peak acceleration response and dynamic amplification factor of each layer under seismic waves
E70 E200 E400 L70 L200 L400 T70 T200 T400 1层檐枋 加速度/gal 70.85 202.37 404.87 62.96 179.89 359.78 80.91 231.24 462.36 放大系数 1.012 1.012 1.012 0.899 0.899 0.899 1.156 1.156 1.156 2层檐枋 加速度/gal 69.43 198.28 396.82 52.11 148.87 297.75 79.71 227.84 454.55 放大系数 0.992 0.991 0.992 0.744 0.744 0.744 1.139 1.139 1.136 3层柱顶 加速度/gal 70.79 202.49 404.55 49.13 140.36 280.73 77.93 222.70 445.37 放大系数 1.011 1.012 1.011 0.702 0.702 0.702 1.113 1.113 1.113 表 6 不同地震波作用下各层位移响应峰值及层间位移角
Table 6. The peak displacement and the displacement angle of each layer by different seismic waves
E70 E200 E400 L70 L200 L400 T70 T200 T400 1层檐枋 位移 0.548 0.982 1.652 0.396 0.547 0.780 0.472 0.765 1.217 位移角 1/6424 1/3879 1/2406 1/8333 1/8333 1/6424 1/7255 1/4830 1/3190 2层檐枋 位移 2.303 4.568 8.052 1.796 3.055 4.993 2.040 3.753 6.390 位移角 1/2333 1/1136 1/635 1/2943 1/2943 1/1639 1/2616 1/1368 1/789 3层柱顶 位移 3.207 8.058 15.764 2.067 4.750 8.895 2.601 6.280 12.028 位移角 1/5018 1/1230 1/551 1/20290 1/1473 1/734 1/8502 1/1714 1/756 -
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