Analysis of the Influence of Uniform Excitation and Multi-point Excitation on the Seismic Response of Suspension Bridge
摘要: 利用大型通用有限元软件ANSYS的APDL参数化语言,建立某悬索桥结构三维有限元模型,通过加速度时程积分曲线,获得相应的位移时程曲线,在桥台及桥墩处施加位移时程荷载,分析桥梁结构多点激励地震响应,并分析一致激励与多点激励下桥梁关键位置位移、内力差异,研究不同激励方式的影响。Abstract: Using the APDL parametric language of the general finite element software ANSYS, a three-dimensional finite element model of the structure of a suspension bridge was established. Through the integration of acceleration time history, the corresponding displacement time history is derived. With the input of displacement time history on the bridge abutment and bridge pier, the seismic response of bridge structure under multi-support excitation is analysized, and the internal force and deformation is compared with those derived under uniform excitation. The influence of different excitation on bridge is concluded.
Key words:
- Suspension bridge /
- Multiple-support excitation /
- Seismic response
表 1 桥梁结构材料物理参数
Table 1. The material physical parameters of bridge structure
构件 材料 弹性模量/Pa 泊松比 密度/kg·m-3 主缆 钢丝绳 21.0×1010 0.167 7850 吊索 钢丝绳 21.0×1010 0.167 7850 加劲桁架、纵梁 C30混凝土 3.0×1010 0.300 2500 桥塔、桥面板 C20混凝土 2.8×1010 0.300 2500 表 2 输入位移时程延迟时间(s)
Table 2. The delay time of input displacement time history (s)
支座编号 ① ② ③ ④ 时间间隔 0.000 0.050 0.174 0.224 -
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