Analysis of the Abnormal Variation Factors of the Borehole Volumetric Strain at Qingdao Seismic Station
摘要: 分时段研究降雨、钻孔水位、工程施工等因素对青岛地震台体应变的影响,研究结果表明:钻孔水位反映区域地下水主要由降雨补给,降雨下渗改变地下水状态,并影响体应变观测;青岛体应变与钻孔水位的相关性及其周期特性均在2015年前后出现变化,可能与2015—2016年降雨偏少及工程施工有关;2018年1月17日台站钻孔施工很可能改变了体应变周围岩石孔隙环境,并扩大孔隙压力作用系数,可解释2018年3月以来水位小幅上升引起的体应变显著压性上升现象,受钻孔施工的影响,体应变与钻孔水位相关性的滞后特征明显减弱。Abstract: This paper studied the influence of factors such as rainfall, borehole water level, engineering construction on the borehole volumetric strain at Qingdao seismic station. The results show that the groundwater level at Qingdao seismic station reflected by borehole water level is mainly recharged by rainfall, and the rainfall infiltration affects the volumetric strain observation by changing the groundwater state. The correlation between the volumetric strain and borehole water level, as well as the periodic characteristics have changed around 2015, which might be related to the lack of rainfall and engineering construction from 2015 to 2016. The drilling construction at Qingdao seismic station on January 17, 2018 changed the pore environment of rocks around the volumetric strain, and expanded the action coefficient of pore pressure, which can explain the phenomenon of significant increase of the volumetric strain due to the slight rise of water level since March, 2018. Under the influence of drilling construction, the hysteretic characteristic of the correlation between the volumetric strain and borehole water level is obviously weakened.
Key words:
- Qingdao volumetric strain /
- Borehole water level /
- Rainfall /
- Engineering construction /
- Pore pressure
图 1 青岛地震台周围地区断裂分布及地震活动
注:右上方插图表示左侧大图在华北地区的位置, 其中蓝色矩形框为左侧大图所指区域, 黑色三角形表示青岛地震台位置;填色圆圈为2007年以来的地震分布, 圆圈大小表示震级(参考图中下侧图例), 填充颜色表示发震时刻(参考图中右侧图例);黑色实线为断裂分布(晁洪太等, 1997);F1为即墨断裂;F2为沧口断裂;F3为劈石口断裂;F4为王哥庄断裂
Figure 1. Fault distribution and seismic activity around Qingdao seismic station
表 1 青岛体应变钻孔地层分布
Table 1. Distribution of strata in Qingdao volumetric strain borehole
层号 层底深度/m 地层描述 1 12.0 强中风化花岗岩, 岩石松软破碎, 矿物成分以石英、长石为主, 岩石结构清楚 2 26.2 硅化石英正长岩, 坚硬破碎, 矿物成分以石英为主 3 34.8 微风化花岗岩, 节理裂隙发育, 较破碎, 矿物成分以石英、长石为主 4 41.7 硅化石英正长岩, 坚硬, 破碎, 矿物成分以石英为主, 接触带有糜棱岩化 5 51.9 微风化花岗岩, 节理裂隙发育, 较破碎, 矿物成分以石英、长石为主 6 56.8 微风化花岗岩, 节理少, 较完整, 矿物成分以石英、长石为主 7 66.2 微风化花岗岩, 硅化石英正长岩, 坚硬, 较破碎, 矿物成分以石英为主 表 2 青岛体应变去除趋势后与钻孔水位的相关系数
Table 2. Correlation coefficients between the detrended Qingdao volumetric strain and borehole water level
多项式阶数 2009年1月1日至2018年4月25日(样本数3394) 2015年1月1日至2018年4月25日(样本数1210) 相关系数 T检验显著性/% 相关系数 T检验显著性/% 1 0.12 100.0 0.35 100.0 2 0.43 100.0 0.07 98.5 3 0.27 100.0 0.33 100.0 4 0.20 100.0 0.29 100.0 5 0.20 100.0 0.29 100.0 表 3 青岛体应变与钻孔水位滞后相关性
Table 3. Lag correlation between Qingdao volumetric strain and borehole water level
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