Application of UAV Photography Technology in Quantitative Assessment of Building Damage of the Jinghe Earthquake
摘要: 利用2017年8月9日精河6.6级地震后获取的高分辨率无人机影像,对叶里斯南也肯村153栋房屋进行结构分类和震害解译,获取研究区内土木结构、砖木结构、砖混结构、框架结构4种类型房屋数量及震害特征,并依据解译结果计算每种结构房屋平均震害指数。由于研究区内砖木结构、砖混结构、框架结构房屋数量偏少,房屋内部的震害难以用无人机影像识别,这3类房屋的震害解译结果与现场调查结果相比差别较大,而土木结构房屋平均震害指数及所对应的地震烈度结果与现场调查结果基本一致,表明无人机影像可为房屋震害定量评估提供重要参考。Abstract: Using the high-resolution UAV images acquired after the Jinghe MS6.6 earthquake on August 9, 2017, we carried out structural classification and seismic damage interpretation of 153 buildings in Yerisnan Yeken Village, obtained the number and seismic damage characteristics of four types buildings, such as civil structures, brick-wood structures, brick-concrete structures and frame structures in the study area. This paper calculated the average seismic damage index of each structure based on the interpretation results. Due to the small number of brick-wood structures, brick-concrete structures and frame structures in the study area, and the seismic damage inside the buildings is difficult to identify with drone images, the seismic damage interpretation results of these three types buildings are different from the field survey results. The average seismic damage index and the corresponding seismic intensity of civil structured buildings are basically consistent with the field survey results, which indicates that the UAV images can provide important reference for the quantitative assessment of buildings damage.
Key words:
- UAV /
- Buildings /
- Seismic damage assessment /
- Jinghe MS6.6 earthquake
表 1 研究区各类房屋破坏程度影像解译结果
Table 1. Image interpretation results of building damage in the study area
结构类型 基本完好/栋 轻微破坏/栋 中等破坏/栋 严重破坏/栋 毁坏/栋 合计/栋 土木结构 3 45 39 17 35 139 砖木结构 7 1 0 0 0 8 砖混结构 5 0 0 0 0 5 框架结构 1 0 0 0 0 1 表 2 叶里斯南也肯村房屋破坏抽样调查结果
Table 2. Results of sampling survey of building damage in Yerisnan Yeken Village
结构类型 基本完好/m2 轻微破坏/m2 中等破坏/m2 严重破坏/m2 毁坏/m2 合计/m2 土木结构 160 800 1920 640 480 4000 砖木结构 880 880 5280 880 880 8800 砖混结构 320 320 640 0 0 1280 -
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