Design and Implementation of Digital System of Seismic Microzoning Results Based on GIS Platform
摘要: 通过对地震小区划基础数据的梳理,基于GIS平台完成了地震小区划成果数字化系统的设计与实现。该系统主要包括资料查询和成果应用两大模块,可实现基础资料及成果数据的查询与展示,还可对现有数据进行数字化分析,产生新的成果数据。该系统改变了传统地震小区划工作成果的展示方式,丰富了数据资料,提升了服务社会的能力。Abstract: By sorting out the basic data of seismic microzoning,the design and implementation of digital system of seismic microzoning results were completed based on GIS platform. The system mainly includes data inquiry and results application. It can not only query and display basic data and results data,but also digitally analyze existing data and produce new results data. The system has changed the way of displaying the results of traditional seismic microzoning,enriched the data and enhanced the ability to serve the society.
Key words:
- Seismic microzoning /
- Digitization /
- System design
表 1 数据库汇总
Table 1. Database summary
序号 表名 功能说明 1 ZkInfo 钻孔基本信息 2 ZkLayer 钻孔土层信息 3 StLayer 标准层序土层信息 4 ZkLique 钻孔砂土液化信息 5 ZkClay 钻孔软土震陷信息 6 ZkWave 钻孔土层剪切波速信息 7 ZkBG 钻孔土层标贯信息 8 ZkMx 钻孔动力分析模型信息 9 ZkSeis 钻孔动参数区划信息表 -
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