Focal Mechanism Solution for Jiashi Ms5.5 Earthquake Sequence on September 4, 2018 and the Characteristics of Stress Field in the Source Area
摘要: 本文采用新疆测震台网数字波形记录,利用CAP和P、S波初动和振幅比方法计算2018年9月4日伽师5.5级地震序列中MS≥2.5地震的震源机制解,结合地震烈度等震线和双差重定位后的地震序列空间展布等特征分析了此次地震的发震构造,反演了震源处应力场。结果表明,伽师5.5级地震呈NE向的节面I为发震断层面,属于左旋走滑断层,震源深度为9km,发震构造可能为浅部超基底断裂;地震序列中有21次为走滑型,4次为正断型,说明绝大多数序列的破裂方式与主震相近,表明余震应力场主要受主震震源应力场控制;P轴方位在NNE向有明显的优势分布且倾伏角较小,T轴方位在NWW向有明显的优势分布且倾伏角较小,说明震源处主要以NNE向水平挤压和NWW向水平拉张作用为主;此次伽师5.5级地震序列表现的浅部应力场与已有研究得出的震源区深部应力场基本一致,应力形因子R的最优解为0.17,说明震源处近NE向中间主应力σ2有一定挤压成分。Abstract: Based on the digital waveforms record of Xinjiang seismic network,the CAP and P-wave,S-wave initial motion and amplitude ratio methods were used to calculate the focal mechanism solution of the MS≥2.5 earthquake sequence of Jiashi Ms5.5 earthquake on September 4,2018. The seismogenic structure of this earthquake was analyzed based on the seismic intensity isoseismic lines and the spatial distribution of the earthquake sequence after double differential relocation,and the stress field in the source area was inverted. The results show that the nodal plane I is the seismogenic fault,which is northeast trend and nearly upright left-lateral strike slip fault. The focal depth of main shock is about 9km. It is preliminarily inferred that the seismogenic structure may be superficial ultra crystalline basement fault. The 21 earthquake sequences are strike-slip and 4 earthquake sequences are normal faults. The rupture pattern of most earthquake sequences is similar to that of the main shock,indicating that the aftershock stress field is mainly controlled by the main shock source area stress field. P axis is near north-northeast,and the inclination angle is small. T axis is near northwest-west,and the inclination angle is small. It indicates that the stress field of source area is mainly under action of north-northeast horizontal compression and the northwest-west horizontal tensional. The shallow stress field shown in Jiashi 5.5 earthquake sequences is basically the same as the deep stress field obtained from previous research. The stress shape ratio is 0.17,and it shows that there is a certain compression of σ2.
Key words:
- Jiashi MS5.5 earthquake /
- Focal mechanism solution /
- Stress field /
- CAP /
- First motion /
- Amplitude ratio /
- Double difference location
表 1 伽师5.5级地震和早期24次MS≥2.5地震序列震源机制解
Table 1. Focal mechanism solutions of Jiashi MS5.5 earthquake and the early 24 MS≥2.5 earthquake sequences
序号 发震时刻 震中/(°) 震级MS 节面Ⅰ/(°) 节面Ⅱ/(°) P轴 T轴 B轴 方法 东经 北纬 走向 倾角 滑动角 走向 倾角 滑动角 方位 倾伏角 方位 倾伏角 方位 倾伏角 1 2018-09-04
05:51:4477.01 39.49 4.7 38 78 -13 130 77 -167 354 17 84 1 176 72 CAP 2 2018-09-04
05:52:5577.01 39.51 5.5 49 90 3 319 87 -180 183 2 274 2 49 87 CAP 3 2018-09-04
06:48:2676.99 39.51 3.3 9 58 85 327 80 175 192 3 283 9 83 80 Snoke 4 2018-09-04
06:52:5877.00 39.51 3.3 43 51 -42 163 58 -132 17 54 282 4 189 35 Snoke 5 2018-09-04
07:10:1577.04 39.50 2.6 57 90 20 327 70 180 190 14 284 14 57 70 Snoke 6 2018-09-04
07:20:3877.03 39.51 3.2 63 64 16 326 75 153 16 7 282 28 120 60 Snoke 7 2018-09-04
08:25:2477.02 39.50 3.8 37 70 -20 134 71 -158 355 28 265 1 173 62 CAP 8 2018-09-04
09:31:3577.02 39.52 2.7 43 90 35 313 55 180 173 23 274 23 43 55 Snoke 9 2018-09-04
10:51:2476.96 39.47 4.6 49 84 -2 139 88 -174 4 6 274 3 158 84 CAP 10 2018-09-04
11:26:1776.99 39.50 3.1 50 86 39 318 50 175 177 24 282 29 54 50 Snoke 11 2018-09-04
15:11:5476.98 39.50 3.0 51 85 29 318 60 174 181 16 278 24 60 60 Snoke 12 2018-09-04
16:12:2077.02 39.53 2.6 44 70 2 314 88 160 1 12 267 15 129 70 Snoke 13 2018-09-04
21:11:4477.01 39.53 3.2 255 40 -82 65 50 -96 295 82 160 5 70 5 Snoke 14 2018-09-04
21:57:5776.98 39.49 3.4 57 90 20 327 70 180 190 14 284 14 57 70 Snoke 15 2018-09-05
01:10:4177.03 39.51 2.6 51 85 29 318 60 174 181 16 278 24 60 60 Snoke 16 2018-09-05
01:52:5077.01 39.52 3.0 101 85 19 9 70 174 233 10 326 17 115 70 Snoke 17 2018-09-05
02:44:0876.97 39.49 3.6 38 81 -23 131 67 -170 352 22 87 9 197 65 CAP 18 2018-09-05
11:15:2177.02 39.51 3.7 39 90 -15 129 75 180 353 10 85 10 219 75 CAP 19 2018-09-07
02:05:4277.01 39.51 2.6 34 50 -83 204 40 -97 344 82 119 5 209 5 Snoke 20 2018-09-07
02:42:4577.03 39.51 3.3 234 83 -39 329 50 -171 184 31 288 21 46 50 Snoke 21 2018-09-07
04:06:4277.04 39.51 3.1 62 90 40 332 50 180 190 27 295 27 62 50 Snoke 22 2018-09-07
09:01:2377.01 39.50 3.0 38 82 -13 130 77 -172 353 14 84 4 189 75 Snoke 23 2018-09-07
17:14:5677.02 39.52 2.5 34 50 -83 204 40 -97 344 83 119 5 209 5 Snoke 24 2018-09-08
21:49:2876.99 39.49 2.6 50 90 30 320 60 180 180 20 279 20 50 60 Snoke 25 2018-09-20
13:24:0576.98 39.50 3.0 70 90 30 340 60 180 200 20 299 20 70 60 Snoke 表 2 伽师5.5级地震震源处应力反演结果
Table 2. Source stress field of Jiashi MS5.5 earthquake
σ1 σ2 σ3 应力形因子 应力结构 方位/(°) 倾角/(°) 方位/(°) 倾角/(°) 方位/(°) 倾角/(°) R -163
-320— -21824
-80— -609
0.01—0.45走滑 注:表中数值范围为各参数95%置信度的不确定性范围 -
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