Study on VS30 prediction of Datong Basin Based on the Analysis of Typical Geological Characteristics
摘要: 土体剪切波速是进行土层地震反应分析的动力学参数,对场地地震动参数确定具有重要意义。基于地质地貌分析,将大同盆地划分为5类典型地质单元。对盆地1429个钻孔剪切波速资料进行分析,探讨VS30与VS20的相关性,研究土体埋深、岩性、地质单元、标贯击数及密实度等地质特征对VS的影响,并基于地质单元、剪切波速比、密实度系数及第四系上部覆盖层厚度相关性分析给出土体VS30预测模型。研究结果表明,基于典型地质特征的VS30预测模型拟合优度R2>0.90,预测精度很高,对于离散性较大、直接拟合估算较差及无剪切波速场地来说,以区分地质单元及土体类型的方式进行VS30分解预测是良好的研究思路。首次在区分地质单元及土体类型的前提下提出剪切波速比及密实度系数,并将其与第四系上部覆盖层厚度综合应用于VS30预测研究。研究结果可为大同盆地城市防震减灾规划、震害预测、区域性地震安全评价提供重要技术支撑。Abstract: The shear wave velocity of soil is a dynamic parameter for seismic response analysis of soil layer,which is of great significance to determine the ground motion parameters of the site. The shear wave velocity data of 1429 boreholes in the basin are analyzed,the correlation between VS30 and VS20 is discussed,and the influence of geological characteristics such as soil burial depth,lithology,geological unit,SPT blow number and compactness on VS is studied. Based on the correlation analysis of geological unit,shear wave velocity ratio,compactness coefficient and thickness of Quaternary upper overburden,the soil VS30 prediction model is given. The results show that the goodness of fitting of the VS30 prediction model based on typical geological characteristics is greater than 0.90,and the prediction accuracy is very high. For the sites with large discreteness,poor direct fitting estimation and no shear wave velocity,it is a good research idea to distinguish geological units and soil types for VS30 decomposition prediction. For the first time,the shear wave velocity ratio and compactness coefficient are proposed on the premise of distinguishing geological units and soil types,and they are integrated with the thickness of Quaternary upper overburden for VS30 prediction. The research results can provide important technical support for urban earthquake prevention and mitigation planning,earthquake disaster prediction and regional earthquake safety evaluation in Datong Basin.
表 1 大同盆地典型地质单元钻孔分布特征
Table 1. Borehole distribution characteristics of typical geological units of Datong Basin
地质单元类型 钻孔数量 VS30优势分布区间/(m·s-1) 钻孔分布特征 Qhal-l 292 224.5-272.6 分布于盆地中心Qh冲湖积平原及市区Ⅰ级阶地,钻孔分布面积面大,其中山阴、应县、怀仁及浑源县城钻孔密度较大 Qp3al-l 274 250.8-294.7 分布于市区河谷两岸,地貌上为Ⅱ级阶地,与Qp3al单元前缘相邻,除朔州市区东南部以外,盆地内该单元钻孔分布密度最大 Qhal+pl 221 268.4-306.9 分布于大同和朔州市区河床及山前倾斜平原前缘,地貌上与Qp3pl前缘及Qp3al后缘相邻,山阴、怀仁及浑源县城钻孔分布较密 Qp3al 423 274.6-332.4 分布于大同及朔州市区Ⅱ级以上高阶地,地貌上处于Qhpl及Qp3pl单元前缘,除市区钻孔分布稀疏外,其余地段钻孔密度均较大 Qp3pl 219 288.7-363.5 分布于山前倾斜洪积平原,地貌上与Qhpl及Qp3al单元后缘相邻,除市区钻孔分布较密外,其余地段钻孔密度较小 表 2 不同土体剪切波速与埋深的相关性
Table 2. Correlation between shear wave velocity and buried depth of different soils
土体类型 VS=ah2+bh+c 拟合优度R2 a b c 卵砾石 -0.0299 6.7326 227.92 0.7591 中粗砂 -0.0275 6.4253 215.77 0.8755 粉质粘土 -0.0235 5.9766 216.12 0.8256 粉土 -0.0312 6.5989 197.99 0.8337 粉细砂 -0.0371 7.2017 178.39 0.9392 表 3 剪切波速回归分析及相同密实状态下的剪切波速比
Table 3. Regression analysis of shear wave velocity and shear wave velocity ratio under the same compaction state
地质单元 回归项 土体类型 卵砾石 中粗砂 粉细砂 粉质粘土 粉土 冲湖积单元al-l k1 110.42 109.40 105.23 104.02 108.86 k2 0.345 0.333 0.322 0.343 0.321 拟合优度R2 0.843 0.764 0.850 0.804 0.741 Sig(F显著性检验) <0.0001 波速比区间 1.048-1.106 1.021-1.049 0.968-0.970 0.986-1.035 1.000 波速比均值 1.087 1.039 0.969 1.018 1.000 冲积单元al k1 119.34 123.40 106.51 120.91 122.52 k2 0.346 0.320 0.344 0.326 0.315 拟合优度R2 0.815 0.780 0.825 0.742 0.716 Sig(F显著性检验) <0.0001 波速比区间 1.035-1.113 1.032-1.044 0.929-0.995 1.014-1.028 1.000 波速比均值 1.088 1.040 0.973 1.023 1.000 洪积单元pl k1 130.86 123.23 115.37 120.04 116.33 k2 0.348 0.352 0.353 0.356 0.358 拟合优度R2 0.770 0.755 0.762 0.764 0.772 Sig(F显著性检验) <0.0001 波速比区间 1.084-1.109 1.036-1.051 0.975-0.985 1.028-1.030 1.000 波速比均值 1.092 1.042 0.978 1.029 1.000 表 4 不同密实状态土体剪切波速比
Table 4. Soil shear wave velocity ratios in different compaction states
土体类型 土体密实状态 松散(流-软塑) 稍密 可塑 中密(硬塑) 密实(坚硬) 卵砾石 区间 0.64-0.78 0.80-0.922 0.88-0.98 1.00 1.21-1.28 均值 0.70 0.86 0.94 1.00 1.26 其它土体 区间 0.63-0.78 0.79-0.92 0.90-0.99 1.00 1.16-1.18 均值 0.69 0.86 0.94 1.00 1.16 表 5 基岩覆盖层厚度影响系数
Table 5. Influence coefficient of bedrock overburden thickness
基岩覆盖层厚度l/m > 60 50-60 40-50 30-40 < 30 λ(l) 1.00 1.01 1.03 1.05 1.08 表 6 S(H)回归分析
Table 6. Regression analysis of S(H)
编号 地质单元类型 统计样本 回归系数 拟合优度 F显著性检验 样本量 标准差 a b c R2 F Sig 1 Qhal-l 292 7.48 -0.018 0.554 259.47 0.724 378.29 <0.0001 2 Qp3al-l 274 8.14 -0.006 -0.264 291.38 0.758 409.55 3 Qhal+pl 221 8.64 -0.002 -0.607 308.78 0.812 423.49 4 Qp3al 423 11.18 -0.006 -0.530 331.05 0.732 579.50 5 Qp3pl 219 16.56 -0.007 -0.969 365.98 0.769 352.33 表 7 预测值VS30与实测值VSE30拟合优度及残差描述统计
Table 7. Fitting goodness and residual descriptive statistics of predicted value VS30 and measured value VSE30
编号 地质单元类型 拟合优度R2 均方根误差
RMSE残差δ 平均值M 标准误差Se 标准差σ 置信度(95.0%) 1 Qhal-l 0.828 4.584 0.031 0.269 4.592 0.529 2 Qp3al-l 0.843 3.660 -0.035 0.219 3.486 0.432 3 Qhal+pl 0.904 3.523 -0.028 0.237 3.531 0.468 4 Qp3al 0.824 5.834 0.155 0.282 5.843 0.555 5 Qp3pl 0.865 7.100 -0.047 0.548 7.134 1.081 6 最终预测结果 0.973 5.376 0.010 0.142 5.379 0.278 -
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