Study on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Structures of Arch Kiln Dwellings
摘要: 碹窑作为张家口市特有的建筑,具有独特的结构形式。碹窑窑鼻与外墙为夯土结构,窑脸与窑顶为土坯结构,不同部位之间的构造差异使得碹窑整体性能削弱较大,无法抵御地震灾害。针对碹窑民居的结构缺陷,提出螺栓连接、预应力钢绞线拉接、窑顶钢板条支撑等加固措施,用以提高结构抗震性能。本文采用爆破地震模拟自然地震,分别对加固前后的碹窑进行原位爆破。试验结果表明:未加固的碹窑在地震作用下,土坯窑顶与夯土窑鼻加速度差异较大,二者临界部位为结构薄弱部位;针对碹窑结构体系缺陷提出的加固方法可有效提高其抗震性能;随着爆破位置逐渐靠近碹窑民居,爆破荷载逐渐强烈,加固结构对于土坯窑顶与夯土窑鼻之间的协调作用逐渐减弱。Abstract: As unique buildings in Zhangjiakou,arch kiln dwellings have unique structural forms. The arch kiln dwellings nose and exterior walls are earth-rammed structure. The arch kiln dwellings face and roof are adobe structure. The structural differences between different parts make the overall performance of arch kiln dwellings weakened greatly,and make arch kiln dwellings unable to resist earthquake damage. In view of the structural defect of arch kiln dwellings,some reinforcement measures such as bolts connection,pre-stressed stranded wires connection,steel strips support were proposed to improve the seismic performance of dwellings. Blasting earthquake was used to simulate natural earthquake in this paper,and in-situ blasting was performed on arch kiln dwellings before and after reinforcement. The results show that there is a significant difference in acceleration between adobe roof and earth-rammed nose of unreinforced arch kiln dwellings under seismic load,and the critical part is the weak part. The reinforcement method can effectively improve the seismic performance of dwellings. When the blasting position is gradually close to the arch kiln dwellings,the blasting load is gradually increased,and the coordinating effect of adobe roof and earth-rammed nose of dwellings gradually weakens.
Key words:
- Arch kiln /
- Structural reinforcement /
- Blasting earthquake /
- In-situ test /
- Seismic performance
表 1 爆破点位置及爆破药量
Table 1. Location of blasting points and amount of explosive
爆破点号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 爆破点深度/m 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 爆破点与立面距离/m 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.20 药量/kg 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 表 2 加固构件参数
Table 2. Parameters of reinforced components
构件名称 尺寸/mm 构件特征 数量 矩形钢板 长×宽×厚:1500×200×6 左右两端各冲孔1列2排 2块 A型L形钢板 边长×边长×宽×厚:250×250×100×6 两边中部各冲孔1列1排,端部各冲孔1列2排 10块 B型L形钢板 边长×边长×宽×厚:250×250×200×6 两边中部各冲孔1列2排,端部各冲孔1列4排 10块 钢板条 宽×厚:100×30 — 70m 钢绞线 截面直径:ϕ4 — 200m A型穿墙螺栓 长度×截面直径:600×ϕ10 — 16根 B型穿墙螺栓 长度×截面直径:300×ϕ10 — 8根 长螺丝钉 长度×截面直径:200×ϕ15 — 32根 -
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