Research on Evaluation of Seismic Capability of Rural Residential Structure System in Southern Shaanxi Province——in the Case of Liuba County, Hanzhong City
摘要: 村镇住宅倒塌或损毁是造成村民财产损失和人员伤亡的直接原因,结构抗震性能是防灾减灾关注的重点。对汉中市留坝县8个行政镇75个自然村11570栋住宅结构体系、建筑年代、各组成部分损坏特征和抗震设防情况等进行调查,统计分析村镇经济水平、住宅结构体系抗震设防缺陷、空间分布特征和危险性等级;完成村镇住宅结构体系震害预测和易损性指数分析。研究结果表明:97.72%的村镇住宅满足正常使用要求,但74%的住宅结构体系存在抗震设防缺陷;村镇住宅受村镇经济水平和地理交通、施工技术及村民抗震设防知识等因素制约,既有结构体系倒塌或损毁的概率大、易损性强、抗震能力差。Abstract: Rural residences collapse or structural damages are the direct reasons leading to the casualties of villagers and their property loss. The seismic performance of rural residences is the focus of disaster prevention and reduction. Based on a survey on the structure systems, the age of the buildings, damage characteristics of each component, earthquake resistance protection of 11570 residences in 75 villages, scattered in 8 administrative towns in Liuba County, Hanzhong City, this paper made a statistical analysis of the economic level, the seismic fortification defects, spatial distribution characteristics and hazard levels of residential structure systems. This paper completed the seismic damage prediction and vulnerability index analysis of rural residences. The results show that 97.72% of rural residences basically meet the requirement of normal use, but 74% of rural residences have seismic resistance defects. Due to the factors such as economic level, traffic conditions, construction technology and the knowledge of villagers in seismic resistance, the existing residences have a high probability of collapse or damage, strong vulnerability, and poor seismic resistance.
Key words:
- Rural residence /
- Structure system /
- Hazard grade /
- Vulnerability index /
- Seismic capability
表 1 农户类型统计
Table 1. Statistics on types of farmers
镇(办)名称 农户总数/户 贫困户户数/比例 非贫困户户数/比例 火烧店镇 1078 75/6.96% 1003/93.04% 青桥驿镇 667 116/17.39% 551/82.61% 紫柏街道办 1255 61/4.86% 1194/95.14% 玉皇庙镇 1589 170/10.70% 1419/89.30% 武关驿镇 1708 209/12.24% 1499/87.76% 留侯镇 934 93/9.96% 841/90.04% 江口镇 2740 234/8.54% 2506/91.46% 马道镇 1599 140/8.76% 1459/91.24% 合计 11570 1098/9.49% 10472/90.51% 表 2 结构体系空间分布统计
Table 2. Statistics on spatial distribution of structure systems
镇(办)名称 房屋总数/户 房屋结构类型数量(户)/比例 土木结构 砖木结构 砖混结构 火烧店镇 1078 217/20.13% 144/13.36% 717/66.51% 青桥驿镇 667 296/44.38% 131/19.64% 240/35.98% 紫柏街道办 1255 92/7.33% 89/7.09% 1074/85.58% 玉皇庙镇 1589 580/36.50% 185/11.64% 824/51.86% 武关驿镇 1708 482/28.22% 247/14.46% 979/57.32% 留侯镇 934 208/22.27% 218/23.34% 508/54.39% 江口镇 2740 565/20.62% 278/10.15% 1897/69.23% 马道镇 1599 292/18.26% 198/12.38% 1109/69.36% 合计 11570 2732/23.61% 1490/12.88% 7348/63.51% 表 3 结构体系建造时间统计
Table 3. Statistics on construct time of structure systems
镇(办)名称 结构类型 住宅户数 建造时间(数量及比例) 1980年以前 1980—1990年 1990—2008年 2008年以后 火烧店镇 土木结构 217 192 88.48% 23 10.60% 2 0.92% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 144 2 1.39% 121 84.03% 18 12.50% 3 2.08% 砖混结构 717 0 0.00% 7 0.98% 342 47.70% 368 51.32% 青桥驿镇 土木结构 296 207 69.93% 85 28.72% 4 1.35% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 131 0 0.00% 11 8.40% 112 85.50% 8 6.10% 砖混结构 240 0 0.00% 3 1.25% 76 31.67% 161 67.08% 紫柏街道办 土木结构 92 82 89.13% 10 10.87% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 89 9 10.11% 58 65.17% 17 19.10% 5 5.62% 砖混结构 1074 3 0.28% 129 12.01% 308 28.68% 634 59.03% 玉皇庙镇 土木结构 580 445 76.72% 128 22.07% 7 1.21% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 185 4 2.16% 106 57.30% 71 38.38% 4 2.16% 砖混结构 824 0 0.00% 139 16.87% 240 29.13% 445 54.00% 武关驿镇 土木结构 482 315 65.35% 158 32.78% 9 1.87% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 247 3 1.21% 198 80.16% 32 12.96% 14 5.67% 砖混结构 979 0 0.00% 35 3.58% 243 24.82% 701 71.60% 留侯镇 土木结构 208 161 77.40% 34 16.35% 13 6.25% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 218 2 0.92% 175 80.28% 31 14.22% 10 4.58% 砖混结构 508 0 0.00% 58 11.42% 196 38.58% 254 50.00% 江口镇 土木结构 565 475 84.07% 72 12.74% 18 3.19% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 278 12 4.32% 186 66.91% 74 26.62% 6 2.15% 砖混结构 1897 0 0.00% 342 18.03% 476 25.09% 1079 56.88% 马道镇 土木结构 292 196 67.12% 95 32.54% 1 0.34% 0 0.00% 砖木结构 198 0 0.00% 89 44.95% 103 52.02% 6 3.03% 砖混结构 1109 0 0.00% 83 7.49% 252 22.72% 774 69.79% 合计 11570 2108 18.22% 2345 20.27% 2645 22.86% 4472 38.65% 表 4 结构体系危险性等级统计
Table 4. Statistics on hazard grade of structure systems
镇(办)名称 总户数 危险性等级数量/比例 A级 B级 C级 D级 火烧店镇 1078 648/60.11% 394/36.55% 35/3.25% 1/0.09% 青桥驿镇 667 202/30.28% 438/65.67% 25/3.75% 2/0.30% 紫柏街道办 1255 931/74.18% 312/24.86% 11/0.88% 1/0.08% 玉皇庙镇 1589 686/43.17% 872/54.88% 29/1.83% 2/0.12% 武关驿镇 1708 783/45.84% 908/53.16% 16/0.94% 1/0.06% 留侯镇 934 409/43.79% 504/53.96% 17/1.82% 4/0.43% 江口镇 2740 1540/56.20% 1112/40.58% 73/2.66% 15/0.56% 马道镇 1599 944/59.04% 624/39.02% 28/1.75% 3/0.19% 汇总 11570 6143/53.09% 5164/44.63% 234/2.02% 29/0.26% 表 5 土木结构震害矩阵(%)
Table 5. Seismic damage matrix of civil structures(%)
地震烈度 破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 毁坏 Ⅵ 32.5 26.5 22.0 16.5 2.5 Ⅶ 16.5 18.5 20.0 26.0 19.0 Ⅷ 7.0 12.0 16.5 27.0 37.5 Ⅸ 2.5 8.5 14.0 25.0 50.0 Ⅹ 0.0 1.5 7.5 17.5 73.5 表 6 砖木结构震害矩阵(%)
Table 6. Seismic damage matrix of brick-wood structures(%)
地震烈度 破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 毁坏 Ⅵ 49.0 27.3 15.1 6.8 1.8 Ⅶ 28.0 21.2 22.1 20.3 8.4 Ⅷ 12.0 16.4 23.1 30.2 18.3 Ⅸ 8.0 10.5 17.7 26.1 37.7 Ⅹ 2.2 4.8 11.9 17.3 63.8 表 7 砖混结构震害矩阵(%)
Table 7. Seismic damage matrix of brick-concrete structures(%)
地震烈度 破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 毁坏 Ⅵ 77.0 20.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 Ⅶ 62.0 25.0 12.0 1.0 0.0 Ⅷ 19.0 33.7 36.4 8.7 2.2 Ⅸ 16.8 19.6 14.5 38.1 11.0 Ⅹ 2.4 8.9 17.3 33.2 38.2 表 8 结构易损性指数
Table 8. Structural vulnerability indexes
易损性类别 A B C D 抗震能力 高 中等 低 很低 易损性指数 VID<0.20 0.20≤VID<0.30 0.30≤VID<0.40 VID≥0.40 -
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