Seismic Risk Assessment of Frame Structures Based on IDA Method
摘要: 为了评估不同抗震设防烈度区建筑结构震害风险,即场地地震危险性与结构地震易损性的卷积,本文以典型框架结构为例,对其震害风险进行研究。依据抗震设计规范,分别按照6度、7度和8度设计3个3跨10层框架结构模型,采用动力增量分析方法(Incremental Dynamic Analysis,IDA)对其进行地震易损性分析。同时,基于我国地震烈度概率分布特点,应用MATLAB软件生成符合极值Ⅲ型分布的地震烈度,并将其转化为地震加速度峰值,联合地震易损性结果评估模型震害风险。通过划分震害风险等级,为建筑结构抗震防灾对策的制定提供借鉴。Abstract: In order to evaluate the seismic risk of buildings in different seismic fortification intensities, that is, the convolution of site seismic hazard and structural seismic fragility, a typical frame structure was taken as an example in this paper. According to the aseismic design code, three three-span ten-story frame structure models were designed with seismic precautionary intensities of 6, 7, and 8 respectively. Their seismic fragility was analyzed by Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA). Based on the probability distribution of seismic intensities in China, seismic intensities of the extreme value Ⅲ distribution were generated by MATLAB software and were converted into peak ground acceleration. Combined with the seismic fragility results, the seismic risk of three models were evaluated and the seismic risk grades were divided. It provides reference for the formulation of building seismic resistance and hazardous prevention countermeasures.
Key words:
- Frame structure /
- Incremental Dynamic Analysis(IDA) /
- Seismic fragility /
- Seismic hazard /
- Seismic risk
表 1 最大层间位移角与地震破坏等级的关系
Table 1. The relationship between the maximum inter-story drift ratios and damage degrees
破坏等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 ${\theta _{\max }}$ ${\theta _{\max }}$<1/400 1/400≤${\theta _{\max }}$<1/250 1/250≤${\theta _{\max }}$<1/125 1/125≤${\theta _{\max }}$<1/50 ${\theta _{\max }}$≥1/50 表 2 结构抗震等级
Table 2. Seismic grade of structures
项目 模型1 模型2 模型3 设防烈度 6度(0.05g) 7度(0.1g) 8度(0.2g) 建筑高度/m 36.9 36.9 36.9 抗震等级 三级 二级 一级 表 3 地震动基本信息
Table 3. Basic information of ground motion
编号 名称 时间/年 台站 PGA/g 1 Livermore-02 1980 San Ramon-Eastman Kodak 0.191 2 Westmorland 1981 Parachute Test Site 0.219 3 Imperial Valley-06 1979 Delta 0.284 4 Northridge-06 1994 LA-Century City CC North 0.123 5 Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Downey-Co Maint Bldg 0.177 6 Whittier Narrows-01 1987 Brea Dam(Downstream) 0.231 7 Whittier Narrows-02 1987 LA-116th St School 0.157 8 Imperial Valley-02 1940 El Centro Array #9 0.342 9 Imperial Valley-06 1979 El Centro Array #7 0.42 10 Northridge-01 1994 LA-Century City CC North 0.223 11 Northridge-01 1994 LA-Obregon Park 0.467 12 Sierra Madre 1991 LA-Obregon Park 0.224 13 Superstition Hills-02 1987 Parachute Test Site 0.451 14 Loma Prieta 1989 Capitola 0.480 15 Victoria,Mexico 1980 LA-Obregon Par 0.118 16 Morgan Hill 1984 Capitola 0.117 17 San Fernando 1971 Carbon Canyon Dam 0.070 18 San Fernando 1971 Gormon-Oso Pump Plant 0.087 19 Imperial Valley-07 1979 Bonds Corner 0.092 20 Imperial Valley-07 1979 El Centro Array #7 0.161 21 Livermore-01 1980 San Ramon-Eastman Kodak 0.106 22 Victoria,Mexico 1980 Chihuahua 0.118 23 Whittier Narrows-02 1987 Inglewood-Union Oil 0.133 24 Landers 1992 Downey-Co Maint Bldg 0.046 25 Landers 1992 Inglewood-Union Oil 0.040 26 Northridge-06 1994 LA-Baldwin Hills 0.052 27 Hector Mine 1999 Downey-Co Maint Bldg 0.031 28 Hector Mine 1999 LA-116th St School 0.022 29 CA/Baja Border Area 2002 Calexico Fire Station 0.094 30 CA/Baja Border Area 2002 El Centro Array #7 0.078 表 4 形状参数K的取值
Table 4. Values of shape parameter K
基本烈度 6度 7度 8度 K 9.7932 8.3339 6.8713 表 5 6度设防烈度框架结构震害风险评价结果(%)
Table 5. Seismic risk assessment results of 6 intensity frame structure(%)
震害等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 超越风险 100 29.04 8.91 1.92 0.14 发生风险 70.96 20.13 6.99 1.78 0.14 表 6 7度设防烈度框架结构震害风险评价结果(%)
Table 6. Seismic risk assessment results of 7 intensity frame structure(%)
震害等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 超越风险 100 42.34 16.09 4.25 0.43 发生风险 57.66 26.25 11.84 3.82 0.43 表 7 8度设防烈度框架震害风险评价结果(%)
Table 7. Seismic risk assessment results of 8 intensity frame structure(%)
震害等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 超越风险 100 55.20 25.64 8.28 1.07 发生风险 44.80 29.56 17.36 7.21 1.07 表 8 综合震害风险指数划分
Table 8. Composite seismic risk indexes classification
震害等级 基本完好 轻微破坏 中等破坏 严重破坏 倒塌 综合震害风险指数范围 0<R1≤0.2 0.2<R2≤0.4 0.4<R3≤0.6 0.6<R4≤0.8 0.8<R5≤1 综合震害风险指数中值 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 表 9 震害风险等级划分
Table 9. Seismic risk grades classification
综合震害风险指数 0<R≤0.25 0.25<R≤0.5 0.5<R≤0.75 0.75<R≤1 震害风险等级 Ⅰ级 Ⅱ级 Ⅲ级 Ⅳ级 表 10 结构综合震害风险指数和震害风险等级
Table 10. Composite seismic risk indexes and risk grades of buildings
结构 6度设防烈度框架结构 7度设防烈度框架结构 8度设防烈度框架结构 综合震害风险指数 0.18 0.22 0.28 震害风险等级 Ⅰ级 Ⅰ级 Ⅱ级 -
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