Experimental Research on Mechanical Property of Friction Damper with Sliding Long-hole Bolt
摘要: 本文在已有摩擦阻尼器的基础上,设计可应用于装配式剪力墙竖向接缝的阻尼器。通过改变摩擦材料、高强螺栓预紧力等参数,对阻尼器工作性能参数(起滑力、起滑位移、等效初始刚度等)进行对比分析。研究结果表明,当摩擦材料为黄铜板、铝板及碳纤维板时,2个受力方向的起滑力相差不大,而当摩擦材料为橡胶板时,由于橡胶自身强度较低,2个受力方向的起滑力差异较大,工作性能相对较差;4种材料起滑位移及等效初始刚度在不同预紧力下按照一定规律变化,表现出较好的工作性能。在实际应用中,应设置碟形垫片以保证预紧力的稳定,使阻尼器工作性能良好。Abstract: Based on the existing friction dampers, a kind of damper which can be applied to the vertical joints of fabricated shear walls was designed. By changing the parameters of friction materials and preloaded force of high-strength bolts, this paper compared and analyzed the working performance parameters of the damper, such as sliding force, sliding displacement, equivalent initial stiffness, etc. The results show that when the friction material are brass plates, aluminum plates and carbon fiber plates, there is not much difference between the two directions sliding forces. When the friction material is arubber plate, due to the low strength of the rubber, the sliding forces of the two directions are different, and the working performance is not well. The sliding displacements and equivalent initial stiffness of the four friction materials change according to a certain law under different preload forces, and have good working performance. In practical applications, a belleville gasket should be set to ensure the preloaded force stability and make the damper working performance well.
Key words:
- Frictiondamper /
- Sliding force /
- Sliding displacement /
- Equivalent initial stiffness
表 1 试验结果
Table 1. Test results
摩擦材料 预紧力
/N·mm-1黄铜板 30 245.880 -239.824 1.025 8.368 29383.365 50 335.691 -296.601 1.132 11.113 30207.055 70 355.744 -346.125 1.028 11.841 30043.409 铝板 30 161.454 -159.961 1.009 6.086 26528.755 50 215.533 -201.473 1.070 10.010 21531.768 70 289.810 -281.060 1.031 10.630 27263.405 碳纤维板 30 264.255 -323.789 0.816 12.009 22004.746 50 346.364 -372.126 0.931 13.230 26180.197 橡胶板 30 107.320 -71.060 1.510 4.002 26816.592 50 127.390 -107.863 1.181 4.442 28678.523 70 158.803 -124.248 1.278 5.179 30662.869 90 172.096 -140.694 1.223 6.274 27428.280 110 231.150 -175.435 1.318 6.678 34613.657 -
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