The popular science research on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction from the perspective of citizen's scientific quality——Taking Japan and the United States as examples
摘要: 防震减灾科普教育是提升公民防震减灾科学素质的重要途经。日本和美国是在防震减灾科普教育方面走在世界前列的国家。本文通过研究日本和美国关于公民防震减灾科学素质建设文献资料,分类归纳日本和美国公民防震减灾科学素质建设的历史背景、发展特点及主要路径,由此对我国公民防震减灾科学素质建设提出思考和建议。Abstract: Popular science education of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction is an important way to improve citizens' scientific quality of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. Japan and the United States are among the world's leading countries in popular science education on earthquake preparedness and disaster reduction. This paper studies the literature and materials on the scientific quality construction of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction of citizens in Japan and the United States, classifies and summarizes the historical background, development characteristics and main paths of the scientific quality construction of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction of citizens in Japan and the United States, and puts forward some thoughts and references for the scientific quality construction of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction of citizens in China.
表 1 自主防灾组织的组织结构及开展的减灾活动
Table 1. The organizational structure of autonomous disaster prevention organizations and their activities for disaster reduction
本部 平时活动 灾时活动 本部 组织的统筹及涉外;各组的运营指导;
制定防灾计划和训练计划和灾害救助地区本部的联络调整;各组的调整和指导 信息组 防灾知识的普及 信息的收集和传达;通过宣传防止引起恐慌 消防组 消防指导及灭火体制的整备等 实施初期灭火;消防宣传 救护组 救护体制的完善 救出、救护活动 避难诱导组 完成避难计划 实施避难诱导 饮食供应组 完成救援物资分配计划;宣传家庭配备紧急食品 救援物资分配;饮食及饮水的供应 -